British Columbia Adoption Reunion Registry | Search with no Records

British Columbia Adoption Reunion Registry connects adoptees with their loved ones in British Columbia, Canada. We are a country-wide adoption reunion registry for Canada and the largest adoption registry in the world. If you’re looking to reunite with a loved one in British Columbia, simply complete our form in moments and potentially match immediately with a child, parent, or sibling. reunites families by mutual consent, without the requirement to access adoption records. It is simple, fast, and easy. And with our NameSearch and DNA features, your chances of making a connection in British Columbia are even better. Try now.

A Few of Our Members Currently Searching Within British Columbia Who Chose To Be Featured

1021. Emdabomb : The people that say or my parents are Gary and Astrid halls they lived in kassingar BC there isn’t much information that I know they didn’t tell me anything they are a complete mystery I definitely do not belong to these people and I’m wondering if I am an abducted child or a missing person

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1022. RandyAL : My given name at birth was believed to be Murray Anthony Sanderson, Born May 15, 1957 at New Westminster Hospital. My birth mother was believed to be 15 years old.

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1023. KatNicole : My father was born in Sidney, BC in January 1958. His adoption was arranged before he was born. I would love to find out if I have any other family out there

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1024. Okay123456789 : kamloops B.C

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1025. LindaReiffer : Troy Michael Robinson, Male, Born March 14, 1963 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada to Gordon Francis Robinson (born in Hamilton, Ontario in April 7, 1943) and Janine Lucille Munro (maiden name) (born in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada). Troy’s parents married on Aug. 23, 1962 and divorced on Nov. 10, 1969. Troy saw his father when he was about 9 years old, and then again when he was about 20 years old. Both times were in Calgary. I have been told that Troy was formally adopted by his stepfather, and took his last name as a child. Someone said that it was "McNulty" or something like that. Troy’s father, Gordon, passed away on Feb. 16, 2006. I am Gordon’s wife, whom Troy met, when he was 9 and 20. I would like Troy to know how much his father loved him. Gordon talked about Troy frequently. Gordon always loved Troy. Please contact me I would really like to tell Troy about his father.

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1026. Tim1967 : My mother was 19 when she got pregnant and 20 when she gave birth to me at 1:47am June 8, 1967, she endured almost 13 hours of labor. She was born in 1947 not sure of the month. Her father was of German decent and her mother was English/Scottish decent She had a 22 year old brother at the time of my birth and 2 siblings aged 13 and 6 and I’m not sure of there gender My adopted name is Timothy R Perron I also think she would have given birth in a catholic hospital either St.Marys in New Westminster or St.Pauls in Vancouver. Please contact if you have any info on my birth name and any pertinent health information

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1027. EMcD : Birthplace: Royal Jubilee Hospital, Victoria, BC Adoption facilitated by Children’s Aid Society Records Indicate: Birth Mother: J.A.M. Born Apr 8/38, Edmonton, Alberta Grandparents: Mr. Miller and Mrs. Cooper

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1028. Jgosh : I was born in St. Vincent Hospital in Vancouver, BC CANADA. My birth mother’s name is Amelia Johnson. My mother was born in Ruabon, Wales in 1920. She came to Canada in 1952. She was a registered nurse. My father (name unknown) was born in the Ukraine in 1914. He moved to China with his parents from the age of 14 until he came to Canada in 1952, leaving his wife and child in China. He had worked as a radio operator in China. In 1953 his wife and child followed him to Canada. Given the age of my birth parents I am hoping to connect any siblings or extended family. In the early 1990s I undertook a search via the BC Government Vital Statistics Agency ... my mother was contacted but did not want to have contact with me.

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1029. BourneTV : I have the names of my adopted parents. Kenneth Gordon Terriss Anne Terriss (nee: Sajiw) I was born at Vancouver General hospital on December 15th, 1961, and I believe I was legally adopted 12 days later, on December 27, 1961.

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1030. MichaeljSmith : I was born on May 14th, 1968 in Burnaby, BC to Barbara Howard (maiden name) I am deeply interested in finding my birth mother and/or family on my mother’s side, as well as eventually finding my birth father. Do contact me with Solid info that you may have. Thanks kindly

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1031. Sahota : She was born in Vancouver, BC adopted in BC. Her birth mother was born in Alberta, Canada around 1926. Her maternal grandparents were from Poland. She may have a brother born around 1947.

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1032. Kirkham : Looking to find my sister who is older than me and was placed for adoption by my biological father and his then Girlfriend. I dont have many concrete details to work with... I believe she was born between 76 and 79. Alberta or BC.. ? Her birth mothers name is Connie and her (Our) birthday fathers name is Jeff. I know she was immediately adopted after Birth from the Hospital. She most likely has brown or green eyes. .perhaps olive skin tone.. And kay likely is RH negative blood like our father. ♡ your adoption was they’re choice. You have 3 sisters and a younger Brother waiting for you. We’ve never stopped searching for you! ♡

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1033. Gma2 : I’m looking for my nephew, born @ july 9th, 1969. In Vancouver, BC. I’m not sure of his birth name, I think it might have been Eli Jean or Ivens. I know he was adopted and lived in Saskatchewan .

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1034. Breezybre83 : Baby born at Grace Hospital. Last name at birth was Hallam

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1035. Jgosh : I am looking for my birth mother. She was born in Wales in 1920. She left from Liverpool by boat, departing on March 21, 1952. She continued her career as a nurse upon moving to Vancouver. I initiated an active search for my mother in 1993. The agency made contact with her, but she declined any further contact at that point. Given her age, I am also hoping to locate any possible birth siblings subsequent to my birth in 1954. I was born in Vancouver at St Vincent’s Hospital.

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