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1516. Kept6 : Darren kal-el Kanyon Reese
1517. VictoriaRoseHarris : Born in Prince George Curtis you tried to find me approx 18 years ago. By the time I got the message your phone was disconnected. The message I received back then was you were looking for me I do believe at that time you had a girlfriend named Carly. Please reach out you have tribe of people that would like to meet you including your father.
1518. Pepperfree : My mother was Adopted in 1957 We are looking for her birth Mother Marie Antoinette Brandon (Gorrigan) She may go by Toni. Last located in Ontario
1519. EmmCai150 : I am searching for my half brother. He would have been born in January 1981 in Burnaby‚ British Columbia. My family had heard that he was adopted by a family on Vancouver Island. It was an open adoption.
1520. EM2007 : Hi I am looking for my half brother I was adopted when you were 3 or 4 in tumbler ridge or Dawson creek. This was 17 years ago. Not sure if the adoption was known about.
1521. ABrown123 : Born in Vancouver in lions gate hospital to Margaret Elizabeth barker her birth date is 1948 No knowledge of fathers name his birth date was 1946 he was also given up for adoption. My birth name was Catherine Anne Barker Searching for father and any siblings I may have
1522. VickyHoskins : My mother has wanted to look for her son for a long time. She decided she would sign up to 23 and Me to see if had had ever looked. She has always been honest with my sister and I about having to give him up. She has stayed in contact with his father’s family and they too wish they could meet him.
1523. Palegurl92 : His name was Neil Price. Spelling could be off. He was born in British Columbia‚ Canada. Adopted to the Scheidt Family. They are from Indiana.
1524. Davidjames1968 : I was born in Kamloops Bc and given up for adoption immediately. My birth mother was 15 I believe when she had me and had been in foster care during her pregnancy. I understand she named me David James at birth which my adoptive parents did change.
1525. BrianSkelton : Does anyone know the birth parents of Cora Jennie Forsythe?
1526. Juliewilkinson123 : I know that baby girl wilkinson was born in Nelson bc to a Richard Darryl Thomas Wilkinson and Norma Leveque. I don’t know month but I do remember leaves were changing in Nelson so early spring or Fall but I think it was warmer. I was too young to remember much. My whole life I was told she died at birth but now since my brother has passed away I looked for her death record to possibly place them together. Only to find no record of a baby born to these two people. Which I was told was more likely an adoption. Please help to find out what happened to who we call baby Bre.
1527. Kylahouse97 : Looking for my half sisters‚ my bio mum put me up for adoption in campbell river bc‚ by a couple from Powell River BC. My half sisters had a different dad than me.
1528. StevieHorse : My Uncle was born in Rossland sometime in the mid 1960s‚ my uncles birth father abandoned him and his mother as he impregnated another women at the same time. His Mother married another man who then adopted him. I believe his Mother was Indigenous‚ and his Father was white. My Uncle may be an electrician. Potential names of significance: Vern/Lavern‚ Linda‚ Hesketh‚ Cunningham‚ Issacson‚ Ericsson.
1529. Vancity123 : North Vancouver Twins Lions Gate Hospital
1530. Alice24 : I was born in Prince George. Birth mother Brenda Leigh Block Dr. Lee was doctor in attendance
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