Connecticut Adoption Records
The world's largest adoption reunion registry for adoptees and families
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In Connecticut, every person deserves to know their story. Whether you're an adoptee looking for adoption records in Connecticut or a birth parent eager to reconnect, discovering your roots is an invaluable experience.
Adoption records in Connecticut can often feel out of reach. That’s why was created. With 1,192,932 members, our platform helps people find their biological connections quickly and efficiently.
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Let help you find your lost family today! is a powerful adoption reunion registry designed to help you reconnect with your birth parents. By registering, you gain access to a growing database of over 1,192,932 profiles, increasing your chances of finding your biological relatives. The platform respects your privacy and allows you to update your profile anytime.
Registration is free, and the unique search tool ensures measurable match results. When you find your birth parents, remember to approach the reunion with an open heart and understanding, as it can be an emotionally significant experience for everyone involved.
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Angelicareunite 8 hours ago
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Historyfinder 9 hours ago
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Meganbissell 9 hours ago
A Few of Our Members Currently Searching Within Connecticut Who Chose To Be Featured
1066. Ciampanelli1996 : I was born on 06/25/1996 in Danbury‚ Connecticut at Danbury Hospital. I was adopted. My biological parents names are Bonnie Figlerski and Andre Lisee. I am looking for my brother. He was adopted also. His name to my knowledge is Steven last name possibly Kester but not sure. I believe he was also adopted out of Danbury‚ CT. He is a few years older than me.
1067. Marrose : He was born in Hartford Hospital. His name was Noel David Rossetti at birth. He was in a foster home at Wethersfield CT after birth.
1068. Katieperham : Hey! My name is Katie! I’m searching for my older half brother that my mom Ann unfortunately had to give up for adoption right after he was born. At birth, your name was Charles Allison unless it changed when you got adopted. You have 5 younger half sisters that would love to meet you. Our mom has been desperate to find you so if you’re looking for us, please let me know. I know this would mean the world to her. Name: Charles Wesley Allison 3rd Birthday: June 3, 1980 Birth Hospital: Danbury Hospital Birth City: Danbury, CT Adoption Date: <3 days from birth Birth Mother: Ann Allison Adoption Agency: unknown
1069. FinallyForgiven : In July 1998, you and your twin brother were born at New Britain General Hospital in New Britain, CT. You were born of a C-section performed by Dr. Nicholas Lillo. Born prematurely, you were placed immediately in incubators. Two perfect babies 10 fingers and 10 toes and I knew right then I would never see you grow into the men you both are today. I was 19 and had just started college. There were TWO! I knew that loving you both just would not be enough. I struggled and cried and begged my dad to help me make this decision. I wanted to be selfish but knew that the only two people in that room that mattered were you and your brother. I named you both Rafael (after your dad) and Salvatore (after your Nonno - that means grandpa in Italian.) I spent every possible moment with you while we were in the hospital. I even came to see you at Catholic Charities in New Britain. Your caseworker was a very sweet lady and she told me about your birthday parties and how you had grown. I have cried and prayed and thought of you boys forever. I have never stopped telling my story, in hopes that one day, someone would recognize it and tell me they knew where you were. I have asked God to orchestrate our meeting and to only allow it if you boys wanted to meet me and your younger siblings and nephews. You have two brothers Marcos 29 and Estefano 28. You also have a little sister, Gianna, who is 15. Marc and Stef each have sons Lennox (3) and Adonnis (4), respectively. My prayer is that you are well, that your lives are filled with joy, and that one day, we could all meet. Your siblings and I would love nothing more than to see you and love on you - if you would allow us.
1070. Audreycox : I was adopted through children and family services at 5 weeks. Born at hartford hospital
1071. Mlagase : Researching DNA and James Lagase *Born Dec. 14, 1932 was adopted by Wilbur Lagase Sr. Born Aug 18, 1889 and Delia M Pellerin Born July 1st 1895, DNA links bloodline with Pellerin but Lagase is definatly not biologically related. 1940 census shows several children who were lodgers. One sticks out at age 7 (which in April would be correct age) James Cunningham. But was miss spelled to say Cunninsham.
1072. Kaleighsanders97 : I do not know their names, I just know the name of our birth mother, Paula Castagnero
1073. Donarizz : Adopted by Rizzuto
1074. NadyaChourayeva : We adopted our daughter, Nadya Chourayeva, in Ukraine in 2001. She has a sister, Veronika Chourayeva, born the 12/28/1998, adopted by US citizen, probably in 2002. We would like find their family name , to contact them and if agree, to connect these sisters. Thanks for your support. Pascal BOUTRU
1075. Carlrodia : If we’re a match, let’s try a DNA obligations, no pressure. Discretion and respect are the bywords.
1076. Cassiedavis : My mother was adopted 54 years ago and just found out her birth mothers name is Paula Gail Grant. She was born in Hartford, CT at St. Francis Hospital. Paula was 21 years old at the time of birth and named my mom Tracy.
1077. Mamiof5mimi : I’m looking for my daughter who was adopted sometime after December 2019. Her name before adoption was Che’-La’-Aru Raye Gallion-Pacheco. She was born December 6th 2013 at Christiana Care Hospital in Newark Delaware. She lived with me in Dover Delaware before being taken by dfs in August 2016. I was never given the opportunity nor was I informed about the possibilities of open adoption.
1078. BearWithMeow2396 : I was born on Groton Naval Base Hospital and adopted through Catholic Charities of Norwich Connecticut. My biological mother left a necklace for me to have when I was older. I treasure it dearly. I have been looking through websites and was just given this one. I’m trying to save money for my biological birth certificate as well as going through ancestry dna. I would love to even just see a picture. I imagine I may have siblings if so I’d love to know them. I truly just want to know my true roots. I feel like I have so many questions that I will be lucky to ever learn.
1079. York911 : I am looking for a child born at Lawrence memorial hospital in new London, CT. I have no information as far as gender, date of birth just know the hospital and the birth mother’s initials are EAP and she was approximately 32 at the time of the birth. If what little I have lines up with you, please contact me for further information.
1080. Yoshie1 : Daughter with birth name of Jamie. Born at Meriden Wallingford Hospital in Meriden CT .