Connecticut Adoption Records
The world's largest adoption reunion registry for adoptees and families
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Let help you find your lost family today! is a powerful adoption reunion registry designed to help you reconnect with your birth parents. By registering, you gain access to a growing database of over 1,192,930 profiles, increasing your chances of finding your biological relatives. The platform respects your privacy and allows you to update your profile anytime.
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A Few of Our Members Currently Searching Within Connecticut Who Chose To Be Featured
256. Shamroch26 : I am looking for a niece that was placed for adoption. I was also adopted and didn’t meet my sister until after this happened. I would love to meet her and can identify with the questions most people who were adopted have. I believe the adoption occurred in Albany NY,possible names are Brookes,Brooks and Cosgrove. there is also medical advice she needs to be aware of.
257. Shamroch26 : I am searching to find my family members-grandparents, aunts .uncles. cousins who would be related to my mother. She was adopted by a minister and his wife near Waterford or new London Ct. I have met my birth mother (she placed me up for adoption) and has since died so any further questions can not be answered by her. I had a sister who I met but has also passed. the only last name I know of is Brooks or Brookes first name was Eleanor.
258. JohnMunroe : Manhattan NY Birth Hospital.. Bridgeport CT Catholic Charities adoption agency Italian Birth Mother. Castallemare del Golfo Sicili. My Name John C Munroe
259. DianaRakhmatullina : Im looking for my BROTHER 09/04/1987 adopted from RUSSIA in 1990. Adoption from city of UFA‚ REPUBLIC OF BASHKORTOSTAN‚ RUSSIA. his birth name ROMAN KARACHURIN but it could been change for FAIL or FANIL before parents who adopted gave him a new name. Birth mother name LIANA KARACHURINA 05/17/1968 . the adopted country can be UNITES STADES OF AMERICA ‚state of COLORADO. Im looking for any information .... please help me to find my brother. (me and our sister lives in NEW YORK)
260. Pnl7382 : Philip Anthony DePallo & Linda Marie Depallo (Mendez = Maiden Name) had a daughter Autumn Starrlyte Depallo DOB: 10-10-99 and a son Dayaz Xavyer DePallo DOB: 01-28-02 in Danbury‚ CT. Autumn was born in Franklin‚ N.H. And Dayaz was born in Danbury‚ CT. Autumn will be 18 this October (2017) and Dayaz will be 16 this January (2018). They were adopted by the same family in 2002. We have since had another child he is 13 . This adoption was a closed adoption so we do not have any idea who their adoptive parents are. We would like to meet our children as soon they are of age to do so‚ which we were told was when they turned 18. Since Autumn will be 18 this year we would like to meet her. A day has not gone by that we have not thought of our children. On every birthday we bake them a cake and wish that they knew we still very much love them and have never stopped loving them. If either of you read this please know that we never wanted to give you up‚ the state took you guys away from us. We realize that you have grown up with another family and respect the fact that they are your family but we would like you to know your biological family as well. We would like for the two of you to know the truth with what happened instead of what you may have been told. Please contact us as soon as possible. (Also DCYF used to refer to Dayaz as D or DD because Autumn could not pronounce his name). The first names of the adopted parents are Debbie and Dave (we think). They were not able to have children of their own and were blessed to have not one‚ but two of our children. We are very grateful they chose to take on two of our miracles instead of just one and that our angels were not separated. We would just like our children to know their younger brother and to meet us. We are not the people they may have told you we were and would like to introduce ourselves to our babies. The adoptive parents gave your mother a photo album with photos of the two of you and one of the pictures was with Autumn sitting in a hammock in the back yard. Please contact us if you think you may be our children or if you think you may know them. Thank you.
261. Pnl7382 : SEE PNL
262. Minn2497 : I am a white 56 year old female I was born in New London Connecticut at Lawrence & Memorial Hospital
263. SalaciousCrumpet : Seeking cousins I barely remember. You were born Jesse Stanton in or near Chicago IL, somewhere around 1975-1976, to parents Ron and Vicki/Victoria, and you have a younger sister named Sabrina. My name is Rhonda. Ron’s sister Dixie is my mother, which makes us cousins by blood, though we were probably all too young to remember. While I am in touch with Ron occasionally, and know his whereabouts, I am absolutely NOT here to push you to get in touch with your birth father if you don’t want to. I am not at all in touch with my own, so I understand if you prefer to stay anonymous. I’m just putting this out there because I don’t have a lot of family and I’m curious about your lives... hoping you grew up with fantastic parents and had a lot of fantastic days. And if not... we can always share stories of how we overcame. :) Either way - I hope lives right now are as happy and entertaining as can be, and I hope to hear from you. -Rhonda
264. SalaciousCrumpet : Seeking cousins I barely remember. You were born Sabrina Stanton in or near Chicago IL, somewhere around 1976-1977, to parents Ron and Vicki/Victoria, and you have an older brother named Jesse. My name is Rhonda. Ron’s sister Dixie is my mother, which makes us cousins by blood, though we were probably all too young to remember. While I am in touch with Ron occasionally, and know his whereabouts, I am absolutely NOT here to push you to get in touch with your birth father if you don’t want to. I am not at all in touch with my own, so I understand if you prefer to stay anonymous. I’m just putting this out there because I don’t have a lot of family and I’m curious about your lives... hoping you grew up with fantastic parents and had a lot of fantastic days. And if not... we can always share stories of how we overcame. :) Either way - I hope lives right now are as happy and entertaining as can be, and I hope to hear from you. -Rhonda
265. Beckypetro : My mother’s maiden name was Candice Jo Renner. She has never told me much, do not know father’s name, just that I have a half brother. You would have been born late 1960’’s early 1970’s
266. JLobner : My name is Jessica Doolittle Lobner and I am in search of a first cousin who was born in the 1970s, most likely in Meriden, CT at Meriden Hospital. I believe this female lived in the Diamond Hill section of Meriden. That is all of the information I can give at this time. I am the niece of the biological father, who I do not wish to name at this time. Thank you.
267. SeanHourahan1 : The adoption took place in New York within a few days of your birth. The papers were finalized a few months later. We had to drive over the state line into New York for the adoption to take place for legal reasons. We were very young 15 and 16 and am not sure who’s names were on the birth certificate as neither of us filled out any paperwork. The actual place of birth was at the Danbury Hospital in CT but I’m not sure that would show on the birth certificate due to the fact that state lines were crossed. Do the the names Smith, Michael (may have been attorneys name), Carr, Karr ( or Kerr, sounded like that) or Steven sound familiar ?
268. JODell3 : Born in Sharon, CT. Closed adoption. Biological grandparents/family gave me an oversized, massive teddy bear with a red, white and green sweater and a red angel music box.
269. Cheercoach11 : The child was born to my sons father Darrell Rivera and we are only concerned with knowing that the child is safe and well unless the other child requests contact
270. Lisaalavoie : I am looking for my sister. Birth Parents: Karen Belden and Peter Grabiec Birth Date: 11/4/73 Birth Place: Meriden, CT