Queensland Adoption Reunion Registry | Search with no Records

Queensland Adoption Reunion Registry

Adopted.com is proud to offer a country-wide Adoption Reunion Registry for Australia where you can meet by mutual consent whether you've accessed your adoption records or not. From Perth to Brisbane and everywhere in between, if both parties want to meet then you can find each other on Adopted.com! In Queensland, adult adoptees (18 and over) are able to access identifying information from the government, unless a veto preventing access has been submitted.

A Few of Our Members Currently Searching Within Queensland Who Chose To Be Featured

181. Annettemaree : Looking for the birth family of Annette. I believe she had contact with birth parents many years ago. From what I know the birth parents went on to be married and have children together.

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182. Kate13 : I am searching on behalf of my Uncle who along with his twin brother were adopted by my Grandmother at about 6 months of age. Their birth mother was apparently from Scotland and we are not sure if she remained in Australia after their birth. They were born in Brisbane Qld 14.06.1972.

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183. Goodbrewgenealogy : Birth mother name Coral Walker. Had female twins, one died at birth. Other was adopted.

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184. Curious1973 : I was born in Maryborough Hospital. From what I have been told my mother was a 21 year old nurse at the time and my father was a clerk.

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185. ReggieG : Laura Jean Kirchner, Sheryl Faye Kirchner, Boothville Hospital Windsor, Brisbane Neville McCourt, Tracey Ann McClurg

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186. Jessica5252 : I’m looking for my half brother. Born to Anne Marie Frawley in June “79, I believe in Cairns, Queensland. The name give at birth was Christopher. Mother is Caucasian, father from Pacific Islands.

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187. MarlenePercey1966 : My mother’s name is Bonnie Heather Percey also spelt Bonny. DOB: 31/01/1930 Address at the time: 18 Hoogley Street, West End. Brisbane. Place of birth: Brisbane Women’s Hospitial. Adoption took place on the 6/12/1966. Other Children: I have a brother that was born in 1957 not adopated. My father’s name is Ray Gadsby he was 38yrs of age when I was born in 1966.

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188. Ian62 : I am looking for my birth mother her name is Janice Fay Neilson, I was born in the Mater hospital Brisbane birth name Robert Neilson

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189. NellieH : My brother has now passed away and so has his wife I am the oldest and only sister they had a baby boy before they were married before my brother went to Vietnam then got married later and had more children. I know the baby was born in a Catholic Home somewhere near Toowoomba - I know they named him and I am sure it was Warren John - This child has never been out of my thoughts I am in my 70+ now my dearest wish is to reconnect - I was told by my deceased Aunt who was a Matron at a Brisbane Hospital that she had information he may have been adopted to a family in Beaudesert Qld and the family also adopted a girl.

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190. SkinnyBoy105 : Mom’s name is Meegan Haggerty. I hope this can be of use.

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191. Scott3181 : My father was adopted from the Royal Brisbane Hospital 2 days after birth by George McPhee Simpson and Dorothy Maude Simpson ( Nee Williams). Main reason for this search is for medical background and history.

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192. TabathaTaylor : I am wanting to fiind my birth mother, father, siblings and extended family as I now have a young son and feel that he deserves to grow up knowing all of his family. I have contemplated searching for you all for many many years but since the birth of my miracle baby in July last year and with many many sleepless nights and constant hours of thought regarding my decision I have finally decided. I need to find you. Not ony for myself, but for your grandson, nephew or cousin etc. I have so many things to say and a massive thank you to give you. One that should have happened a long long time before now.

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193. Stumack : Alice June Hill (nee Johansen) is my birth mother born 27 February 1941 I was born in District Miles Hospital, Miles Queensland Doctor John Forster attendend the birth Queensland State Children Department gave the adoption order and it was registered on 25 August 1965 I have an older 1/2 sister born in January 1964 to Alice June Hill

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194. Sorryindividual : All I know is I was born in Brisbane Qld and was adopted at 5 days old.

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195. Discovery2016 : Birth name Roy Anderson born in Brisbane hospital

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