is proud to offer a country-wide Adoption Reunion Registry for Australia where you can meet by mutual consent whether you've accessed your adoption records or not. From Perth to Brisbane and everywhere in between, if both parties want to meet then you can find each other on! In Queensland, adult adoptees (18 and over) are able to access identifying information from the government, unless a veto preventing access has been submitted.
106. DJ1967 : Adopted in Brisbane, my mother was young and father older.
107. Scott61 : I was born in Brisbane at the R.B .W.H IN 1961 adopted by DOUG&MARIE SCHRADER .
108. Leonieeaster : His name at birth was Francis Doherty
109. 260992 : I am looking for my biological father’s family. His name on my adoption papers was Owen Robert Stokes and he passed away in 1996 at the age of 50. I have not been able to find death or funeral notices in NSW papers for that time. I have been incontact with my birth mother who has confirmed that he is my biological father. Main interest is to know what he died from and if he had any other children.
110. DonaldJames61 : This adoption would have possibly been in Bundaberg QLD Australia on or around the 10th March, 1961 thats all the information I have.
111. FitzKeogh : Born in Rockhampton Qld 14 July 1915 to Mary Josephine Phillips.
112. Sludgy : family name Thompson adoptive parents eric boland & mary Elizabeth address at time of handover 81 southwick st Wynnum north Brisbane 4178
113. Kircat_1973 : We think you were born ’Kevin’ McClear but your adoptive parents changed your name to Edward John Williams. We believe you were born somewhere close to Ipswich and Brisbane region in Queensland. You were the first child (we believe) born to Patricia Ann McClear and to father unknown. She could have also stated her name was Pamela on your birth certificate. If this is you, your sister (also adopted) would love to get in touch but understands if this would be unlikely. I am her cousin, assisting her in her search. Thanks so much.
114. Maddocks87 : My father died not too long ago, i am seeking his biological parents to learn about my families roots
115. Raymondmobbs1234 : My birth name was William Mark Perrin and I was born Southport Gold Coast my mums name was Glenda Patricia Perrin
116. Debbieblunt : I was born at corona maternity hospital, Brisbane. My mother’s name at the time was Jeanette Mary Tomlinson, born 8/12/48. My birth name is Janine tomlinson
117. Kaytzilla182 : Hello my name is Kaitlin and I am looking for someone who I think may be my older brother. What I’m lead to believe is that my Mum adopted him out when she was between the ages of 16 - 18, not of her own choice, his name may be Callum and he would be between the ages of 32 - 34. I also believe he may be part aboriginal, and the birth place was Rockhampton, Queensland, Australia. I think Mum has tried to either find or contact him before with no prevail, and she is unaware I have knowledge of him, hence why the details are so unclear. IM YOUR LITTLE SISTER DUDE!
118. Dooboy : Just wanting to find out about my parents
119. PJWalker74 : I was born on the 9th March 1974 at 5:23 am in the Royal Women’s Hospital in Brisbane. I was named Jason Dunn at birth and my birth mother was Carolyn Joyce Dunn. I was later named Peter John Walker.
120. SamuelBlairOlsen : Hi my name is Blair burkhead, My name at birth was Samuel Blair Olsen I found my older brother who is Matthew Lionel Olsen we have been in each other’s lives for roughly 10 years now.. I would really love to meet our birth mother who’s Name was Sharon Louise Olsen.
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