Maine Adoption Records
The world's largest adoption reunion registry for adoptees and families
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In Maine, everyone has the right to know where they came from. Whether you're an adoptee searching for adoption records in Maine or a birth parent looking to reconnect, piecing together your story is invaluable.
Adoption records in Maine can be difficult to access, often leading to delays and roadblocks. simplifies the process. With 1,192,938 members worldwide, our platform connects people to their biological families every day.
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Let help you find your lost family today! is a powerful adoption reunion registry designed to help you reconnect with your birth parents. By registering, you gain access to a growing database of over 1,192,938 profiles, increasing your chances of finding your biological relatives. The platform respects your privacy and allows you to update your profile anytime.
Registration is free, and the unique search tool ensures measurable match results. When you find your birth parents, remember to approach the reunion with an open heart and understanding, as it can be an emotionally significant experience for everyone involved.
LeoSilverstei 1 minute ago
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Kkferrofamily 56 minutes ago
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A Few of Our Members Currently Searching Within Maine Who Chose To Be Featured
436. Beej77 : The date of birth is a guess. Pretty sure it was 1967 but not sure of the month and day. I believe the child was adopted to parents living in Chicago area.
437. Aschofield : Birth father terry conner April 17th 1958 in oregon
438. MJWeiner : Biddeford Maine
439. O1eBean17 : Marisol Ramos
440. Stelladoyle : Born at Maine Medical. Agency was out of Portland - catholic. Mother was Dolores Baillargeon Clark
441. Rook47 : I’m the cousin of Sarah Emmons (Rook) looking for her birth parents to add to our family tree. She was adopted by Rick and Lori Rook when she was an infant.
442. BABYAMY : You were born in Maine and we both were adopted through St Andres. Your name at birth was Christopher Michael Neal.... I am searching for you!
443. Helpingdnamatches : I am searching on behalf of an adoptee .Looking for a woman who was adopted and lived in California during her mid 20’s, who then placed a daughter for adoption in January 1979 in California. The child (a daughter) was born in Long Beach. She believes that she was born baby girl Beaumont and that her mother was born in the mid 1950’s. She also believes her father was Navy. Both the adoptee and myself have done DNA testing for this search (we are related as well). I have a couple of families that are DNA related but have been unable to narrow results because of the multiple adoptions.
444. Andrea2021 : I’m searching for my half Brother, who was born and given up for adoption in Biddeford, Maine. We share the same birth Mother. The name she had given him was Michael. My Mother’s last name at the time was Dubey. She had given birth at Saint Andre‘ Home, which was a place to help unwed mothers about to give birth. The adoption was done through DHHS, and not through Saint Andre’ Home. I hope 2021 will bring good things, and maybe I will find my Brother!
445. LucasBP : I was born in Bangor, Maine but I was a secret. I have been a secret all my life. My birth mother was from Bridgeport Connecticut. In 1957, she already had a very young son when she became pregnant with me. The story is long, so suffice it to say, she kept her pregnancy a secret and she hid herself in Maine until my birth. A " private " adoption was paid for by the family of one of her local pharmacists and I was secretly born without my birth mother’s family ever knowing I existed. She left Maine and never looked back. But maybe not. Did this ever become something she regretted? Maybe someone is looking for me the way I’m looking for them. I know I had an older brother. Did I have other siblings? Nieces or nephews? Is my birth mother still alive? How could she have ever kept the pregnancy a lifelong secret? Never telling anyone? I’m leaving my DNA footprint here along with the pieces of the story that I know. No one is left to hurt - just us and I don’t think we deserve that.
446. Redshellkiller : I don’t have a lot of information‚ unfortunately my mother has not been willing to talk about the adoption. I don’t know which year you were born. I believe you would have been born in Portland as she lived in the Falmouth area at the time.
447. Sky2004 : I’m the mother to the adopted child’s half sister and I’m trying to help her locate her half brother. They obviously have the same father. The adopted boy, Mason, was adopted shortly after his mother gave birth. She didn’t want a reminder of her affair with my husband (ex husband now). She told me she was giving Mason to her cousins whom lived outside of Illinois (where we all live) in a different state. I don’t remember the state she told me tho because that was 12-13 years ago. I think my daughter deserves to know her one and only step sibling. And she wants to know him, too! When college time comes along for both of them, I don’t want them to meet and fall in love and end up finding out too late that they are siblings. Mason’s mother, Mandy, shouldn’t want that either. I think Mandy is afraid that if I find Mason, I will tell him about his real dad and what a narcissist he is and that Mandy doesn’t want her son to ever meet his birth father.
448. CELindsey : I am a 60 year female that was adopted by a family member. My bmother had other children before me and gave them up also. Her name is Carrie Elaine Graves Tinney born April 6, 1933 in Lamoine, Maine. I am not sure how many of us there are. I was told 6 total but not sure and no way for me to find out..i believe my siblings were born in Maine, Connecticut,Rhode Island or Massachusetts. Father was George Henry Atcherson, born June 2 1925 in Bar Harbor Maine. Not sure where any of the adoptions took place. I was born in Rhode Island and adopted by family members in Ellsworth Maine.
449. Sarahnelsin : I was adopted in June 1984 from New Delhi. The actual day I am unsure of. The only records we know our was adopted from the Catholic charities agency. I was adopted to a family in the United States. I am looking to find any family that I may have in India. I understand this may not be successful as there were no records from birth to the adoption agency (that I know of).
450. Diamondlil : Surname is King, living in upstate Maine in 1968 Birthplace in Portland, Maine. Mother was nursing student at the time. Adopted at 6 weeks of age. I believe Catholic Charities handled adoption