New Hampshire Adoption Records
The world's largest adoption reunion registry for adoptees and families
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Every person in New Hampshire deserves the chance to uncover their origins. Whether you’re an adoptee searching for adoption records in New Hampshire or a birth parent seeking reconnection, every piece of your story matters.
Obtaining adoption records in New Hampshire can often feel overwhelming. offers a simpler path. Our platform connects 1,193,179 people worldwide, helping them find their biological families.
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Let help you find your lost family today! is a powerful adoption reunion registry designed to help you reconnect with your birth parents. By registering, you gain access to a growing database of over 1,193,179 profiles, increasing your chances of finding your biological relatives. The platform respects your privacy and allows you to update your profile anytime.
Registration is free, and the unique search tool ensures measurable match results. When you find your birth parents, remember to approach the reunion with an open heart and understanding, as it can be an emotionally significant experience for everyone involved.
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Rvingoe 5 minutes ago
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Angelascheel 3 hours ago
Sunnilynn84 3 hours ago
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1daughterinKy 4 hours ago
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Sarahbee76 6 hours ago
Kimlindley 7 hours ago
Redcherry62 7 hours ago
Crashq2u 8 hours ago
BioMom94 9 hours ago
KellyG1986 9 hours ago
A Few of Our Members Currently Searching Within New Hampshire Who Chose To Be Featured
421. Lookingforyou2023 : We our looking for our sibling who wa sput up for adoption. Their birth mothers name would have been Judith Marlene Daly.
422. DarleneVD : I am looking for a sibling that was adopted in Dover‚NH at Wentworth Douglass Hospital‚ mother Julianne Badger‚ Maiden name Chaisson‚ deceased.
423. Jacobcdionne072697 : My name is Jacob Dionne and I had my daughter at the age of 16. I was not equipped with family or resources or the maturity to have her or take care of her and the last time I saw her she was about 4 years old and I just miss her so much she was born in Manchester New Hampshire was in DCYF custody in a foster parents home by the name of Cindy Clark of Derry NH she was then removed from that home and rights where terminated it is believed she was adopted to a family in Londonderry New Hampshire or Litchfield Nee Hampshire. I just miss her so much and I hope something can be found that she is okay anything I just want to know.
424. AmyBee65 : Biological parents are Eunice M Gallant of Lyndborough‚ NH (11/11/1936-8/3/2015) and Robert J Belanger DOB: 2/27/1944
425. Mikeyice : Looking for my biological sister who was born in Pennsylvania but given up for adoption. I dont know where the adoption took place. She is born in March of 1993. Her biological Mother is named Angela Maggio or Angela Townsend from Philadelphia‚ PA. Her birthday is July 17th 1962. I believe sister birth name is Samantha not sure. My.namw is Michael
426. WAR1212 : Text me if you think we’re a match. I hardly get on here.
427. SchwartD3 : Yung-Soo
428. BobbieJo84 : My only message is that I have been searching endlessly for my family. I was in foster care since 1988. And adopted when was a teenager. I hope someone out there has been searching for me as I have been searching for you my whole life. It’s possible that I have Twin. I’m not sure of the gender or the name as genomelink everything is private until the request is accepted. I do know he or she has tested on ancestry but found out that you can opt out to see dna matches but everything is private until the request is accepted. I do know his or her name but it shows he or she has tested on ancestry.I have my dna everywhere but 23and me. The only names 1 know of but l’m not sure if they could be my bio parents Robin Floyd Dearcos And Judy Ann McMahan also goes by Nelson. But again not entirely sure. As I have been lied to my whole life. It could be possible that i was double adopted. My name at birth might not of been Bobbie Jo Nelson but its all i have known. When i got adopted as a teen my name changed to Savanah Jo Cumming last name is now Echevarria.My Gedmatch kit number is AY7957870. PLEASE DONT GIVE UP ON ME!
429. Bhughes6 : Searching for relatives of my great aunt who was born in Dover‚ New Hampshire Oct 7‚ 1910 and given up for adoption. Records show her father was “John Marsh” and mother was “Jessie Eaton‚” both of Georgetown‚ Maine. Extended family of Jessie Eaton say that the father was likely not “John Marsh‚” but Natt F. Howe. Searching for any relatives who may have information on this part of the family.
430. Amers2323 : Long Shot! Helen Hall‚ born in 1913‚ was a young unwed mother who was sent from her residence in NJ to around Laconia‚ NH to give birth to a child between 1936-1943 (was told it was a girl) Helen returned to NJ after giving birth and the child was adopted as a newborn. Other biological family members include Harry Hall and Catherine Hall (Riley) - Maternal Grandparents.
431. Nanania : My husband is searching for his son who he did not know about until 48 years after his birth. He was told he was born in March of 1973. He doesn’t know the location of his birth. The birth mother had lived in Iowa and Missouri prior to the pregnancy and the father from Iowa.
432. Crazyovrmustangs : Your mother’s name is Wendy Kaufman. You were likely born in western NY. You and I share a father. E. Robert Brown III.
433. Anamariavoica1 : Ana Maria Giurgiuveanu was my sisters name . I was born in 1993 my name is also Ana Maria in was adopted in Bucharest at 7 months ‚ she was in orphanage with our brother Catalin Giuegiuveanu in Slobozia . They were from Dridu ‚ Ialomita in Romania we are 12 siblings in total . I found and reunited with 7 of them .
434. DarleneVD : Looking for a sibling brother. Julianne Chaisson‚Badger was mom’s last names. The sibling was adopted out to family in MA as far as I know. He was born between 19950 & 1954 at Wentworth Douglass Hospital Dover NH
435. Mikeyice : Looking for my biological sister who was born Pennsylvania but don’t kno where adoption took place I believe she was born in March of 1993. Birth Mother is named..ANGELA Maggio