New Hampshire Adoption Records
The world's largest adoption reunion registry for adoptees and families
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Every person in New Hampshire deserves the chance to uncover their origins. Whether you’re an adoptee searching for adoption records in New Hampshire or a birth parent seeking reconnection, every piece of your story matters.
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Let help you find your lost family today! is a powerful adoption reunion registry designed to help you reconnect with your birth parents. By registering, you gain access to a growing database of over 1,193,183 profiles, increasing your chances of finding your biological relatives. The platform respects your privacy and allows you to update your profile anytime.
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A Few of Our Members Currently Searching Within New Hampshire Who Chose To Be Featured
226. LindaLakowicz : I’m looking for my father’s biological mother. Her name is/was Margaret MacDonald. She would have been in the Boston, MA area around July 1937 and has/had a sister who was a nurse. She would have known Robert H. Sanderson from MA and NH.Thank you.
227. MMGPhoto : Looking for a female born October 25, 1974 in Exeter, New Hampshire. Her adopted name was Lisa R Quijano.
228. Freemansean301 : My name is Sean Freeman, I was adopted as an infant by my parents Brian and Linda Freeman. From what I know I was adopted in concord, NH and it was a closed adoption. I found out I was adopted when I was 18, which was a hard pill to write poems and I have been eager to find out who my biological parents are ever since. I believe I am ready to hopefully find this out! Thank you!
229. AdoptedKaitlynM : Hi there! My name is Kaitlyn Melk-Mccrary my birth name was Kaitlyn Woody. I have found my birth mother and birth father. I was also adopted with two half blood siblings. (Kids are all 2 years apart I believe) Birth mother: Katrina Woody Birth father: Douglas pousch (not A father to anyone else) Oldest birth sister: Kassandra (Kassi) Duran Ronco Oldest Brother: I only know his first name, Christopher? The one I am trying to find Second oldest sister: Amanda Melk-Mccrary (half-blood, sane mom, was adopted with (22/23 years old?) Then there’s me: Kaitlyn Melk Mccrary (20 years old) Bryce melk Mccrary (17) autistic (half blood, same mom) Then lastly, Ashleigh, who I believe is 14 who I also would like to get in contact with! I was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin I think I was adopted by my two Gay mothers (I have no idea if that matters at all) As far as I know Kassi was in foster care for a long time, I was in it for less than a year (adopted at age 1) Amanda was adopted at 3 Bryce as a baby I’d love to meet you all! 😅❤️
230. SMALLEY3SARAH : Baby "boy last name Stanley" born Dec 19, 72’ in Marshalltown,Iowa to Lucinda Prim (Cindy Loseke) DOB Nov 10 it was a closed adoption until u turn 50yrs old . bio mom lives in Bellevue, NE you have a full biological younger brother that lives in Ft.Worth Texas named (Chad Stanley) you were a 2nd child adopted to the family who adopted you. your sister was an adoptee too. Your biological grandmother passed away in Nov 16, 2018 age 90 Evelyn Rosella (Groves) Prim born July 23 and your biological grandfather Howard Prim passed away November 10, 2012 both buried in Marshall town Iowa (Mitchell town funeral home) your mother is looking for you. Your mom has done a DNA kit through 23and me and through /profile pic is your full blooded brother
231. Ebrotherton1953 : Birth mothers name was Margaret, "Maggie" she was born deaf and died giving birth in 1963. She was unmarried. Birth father was Michael Blackler. Boy was placed through private adoption handled by Micheal and Geraldine Blackler of Peterborough, NH. Adoptive parents lived in Antrim NH. This child would be my half brother.
232. Mariaseace : My name is Maria seace madian name is maria preban. My birth mother is Yvette levine My adopted parents was ethel patricia wordios (charlton) and father was william joseph preban
233. KTanner138 : I had an Ancestry DNA test done. My older sibling supposedly died shortly after birth in Virginia. I have reason to believe s/he was born healthy, then stolen and sold on the black market in any state. A white baby born April 20, 1978 at Petersburg General Hospital in Virginia, but would be listed as born elsewhere. The hospital records were destroyed in a mysterious fire in the early 1980s. The birthday would have been changed, as would any other identifying information. She was born a girl, though my parents "were not allowed" to see the baby after birth. My mother heard her baby crying healthily from the other side of the curtain after her forced scheduled 8am c-section, 8:20 something was the birth time. It is possible it was really a boy. The doctor informed my parents of the "death" 90 minutes later at 10am. He insisted on never seeing the baby due to the grotesqueness of her. She supposedly had complete anencephaly, missing basically her entire head that never formed. A baby cannot cry without a head to cry from, missing vital structures essential for that bodily function, let alone survive 1.5 hours. There was a closed casket memorial service, nothing more. The death certificate listed time of death in the 3am hour of April 20th, 5 hours before s/he was actually born. The time has also been altered in some way on the certificate.There is no telling what other information was changed, and to what extent. False birth information would have been provided to vital statistics, around the same time the false death information was submitted on April 24, 1978. The baby would have been adopted soon after by a family that thought it was an honest, closed adoption from a young, unwed mother. This would result in false information given to the child later on. In a nutshell, I am looking for a white adult born early-mid 1978 that believes the wrong facts about their biological parents, adopted in anywhere USA. I have no clue as to where to start my search. Our family genes are strong. A boy would look like my grandfather, father, brother, and nephew. A girl would like like my grandmother, mother, daughters, and myself. I only hope to find the truth before it’s too late. My entire family, parents and grandparents, have passed away. My younger brother knows no more than I do. There is simply nobody left to collaborate with. Thank you for listening. Whether you feel this could be yourself or not, I wish you luck in your own search.
234. JohannaWhitney : Charm Marie Brann was born in April 1972, in either the state of Maine or New Hampshire. She may have been born when her mother was in jail. Bethany Staples/York/Brann was her mother and Barry Brann was her father. She lived in Maine until she was 4/5/6 years old and then was adopted to a family either in New Hampshire or Maine. We believe that her name was changed. I am the daughter of Vickie York, Charm’s biological sister. So I would be Charm’s niece.
235. Kedari : I am attempting to find a relative of my wife, this is very important to her. The relative was Cherokee Indian and was adopted at birth. We know nothing more than her name at time of death which is Opal Miller-Neighbors. Any info is very appreciated.
236. Elizas506 : My name is Eliza. I was born March 15, 1982 at Exeter Hospital in Exeter, New Hampshire. My birth mother used Dr. Gaw, obstetrician our if Exeter. Dr. Gaw was also my adoptive mother’s doctor and he helped to arrange the adoption. I was taken home on March 18th 1982.
237. Shannonosp : My parents are Jonathan and June Latti (Dubois) My mother gave birth to a boy on April 5th, 1964. The gave the boy up for adoption as they were not married and the families did not accept the pregnancy. The boy was named Steven Paul in the hospital (Boston General) and his birth was recorded in Concord NH Hospital regestery of births. I was later born in 1971. I’m looking for my brother.
238. THamilon : I am looking for my sister that was born in Wisconsin in February 2000. She was adopted into a family in New Hampshire. I believe her name is Alyssa and her birth fathers name is Steve Mayr from Sun Prairie wi.
239. Sshowers89 : I am searching for my step-mothers birth parents or family. She was born June 8th 1955 in Waterloo Iowa. She was adopted by Wilbur and May Olson. Please contact me if this sounds familiar.
240. WhitneyFamily : Searching for a sister born in Dyersburg, TN to single mother. Mothers maiden name, Whitney. My sibling was born between 1962 and 1965.