New Hampshire Adoption Records
The world's largest adoption reunion registry for adoptees and families
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Every person in New Hampshire deserves the chance to uncover their origins. Whether you’re an adoptee searching for adoption records in New Hampshire or a birth parent seeking reconnection, every piece of your story matters.
Obtaining adoption records in New Hampshire can often feel overwhelming. offers a simpler path. Our platform connects 1,193,189 people worldwide, helping them find their biological families.
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Let help you find your lost family today! is a powerful adoption reunion registry designed to help you reconnect with your birth parents. By registering, you gain access to a growing database of over 1,193,189 profiles, increasing your chances of finding your biological relatives. The platform respects your privacy and allows you to update your profile anytime.
Registration is free, and the unique search tool ensures measurable match results. When you find your birth parents, remember to approach the reunion with an open heart and understanding, as it can be an emotionally significant experience for everyone involved.
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Powell58 26 minutes ago
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JamesColisPer 1 hour ago
Rvingoe 1 hour ago
Johncomehome 2 hours ago
DJBlack94 4 hours ago
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Angelascheel 5 hours ago
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Png228 6 hours ago
1daughterinKy 6 hours ago
Cordelia89 7 hours ago
Janique7 7 hours ago
A Few of Our Members Currently Searching Within New Hampshire Who Chose To Be Featured
61. Klwnova92 : I think my mother had another child before me‚ but I always thought I was her first born. I found a note where she wrote her first child’s middle name is Carole. That’s not my middle name‚ and I always thought I was her first child!
62. LorriCameron : I have been wanting to see you since the day you were adopted. Please contact me Your adoptive parents renamed you Miriam Ester Young. Your birth name was Natalie Miriam Young
63. Steppo : I am the aunt of the adopted baby and have always thought of her. Her birth mother has just passed away and I am the only person left that knows she is part our family. I would like to tell her that she has twins siblings that don’t know about her and see if she would like to have some info on her heritage. She should know she was loved.
64. Nattysparents : Brother was born on Easter Sunday in 1974 (April 14th I believe). He was given the name "Baby" Peabody and was adopted at birth. The adoption agency was Catholic Charities and I found out that the adoption took place in Rockingham County.
65. SherrySeeksBio : Need medical info. Was told bio moms name is patricia cote
66. Davidvigneau : Hello
67. KngAnd82 : I was born Robert McCarthy at Catholic Medical Center in Manchester, NH to a Linda Ann McCarthy, age 25, from Methuen, MA.
68. DonaAndHeather : Baby boy born in Anchorage, Ak. At Providence Hospital. Mother’s name at time of birth was Dona Jo Wennersten. Father’s name is Harold James Bailey. Did have medical issues at birth. Had to have a blood transfusion.
69. ChrisO93 : My ex threatened me when she told me that she was going to be giving birth, so I’ve been to afraid to try and get in contact with my long lost daughter. Please, help me find my little girl, I just want to know her, maybe meet her while she’s still a toddler, and have that chance to hold her while she’s still small. And if her adopted family allows it, keep in contact with her so she can know her birth daddy. My ex’s name may not be on the birth certificate, as mine is not for sure, but her name was Sadie Carpentier at the time of the birth.
70. SVigue : Concord Hospital, delivered by Dr Hamilton
71. Jennmcgrath : Fathers name is Patrick James Martin, Mother is Karen Haley.
72. Reeds58 : I want to find my dads birth mom he tried so hard wanted to know her but he died I told my dad I would find her I can’t wait any more so many questions he even named me after his mom cause I’m his only daughter. His biological mother’s name was Margaret Reed she left him a family crest a plaque that had read on it and a Saint Christopher medal it meant so much to him he’s always wanted to find her these were his dying wishes when he became l but he was never able to now I am trying to find my grandmother or any other family that I may have out there
73. Jkfisher1968 : Born in Atlanta, Georgia adopted in another state
74. Ldumensil67 : My dad had a child with another women before he met my mom. All i know the adotion was through Catholic charity manchester nh. He was born in Massachusetts. Mom and dad from manchester nh.
75. Anninnc : I am looking for a parent if still alive or a family member of Nancy Smith. She may have been originally from Conneticut but had the child in Rochester, NH.