New Hampshire Adoption Records
The world's largest adoption reunion registry for adoptees and families
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Every person in New Hampshire deserves the chance to uncover their origins. Whether you’re an adoptee searching for adoption records in New Hampshire or a birth parent seeking reconnection, every piece of your story matters.
Obtaining adoption records in New Hampshire can often feel overwhelming. offers a simpler path. Our platform connects 1,193,190 people worldwide, helping them find their biological families.
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Let help you find your lost family today! is a powerful adoption reunion registry designed to help you reconnect with your birth parents. By registering, you gain access to a growing database of over 1,193,190 profiles, increasing your chances of finding your biological relatives. The platform respects your privacy and allows you to update your profile anytime.
Registration is free, and the unique search tool ensures measurable match results. When you find your birth parents, remember to approach the reunion with an open heart and understanding, as it can be an emotionally significant experience for everyone involved.
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Powell58 13 minutes ago
Tleighsue65 18 minutes ago
Jenny812 23 minutes ago
TwinPower 24 minutes ago
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Kimmy3946 41 minutes ago
JamesColisPer 1 hour ago
Rvingoe 1 hour ago
Johncomehome 1 hour ago
DJBlack94 3 hours ago
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Angelascheel 4 hours ago
Sunnilynn84 5 hours ago
Dimehead 5 hours ago
Png228 6 hours ago
1daughterinKy 6 hours ago
Cordelia89 7 hours ago
Janique7 7 hours ago
A Few of Our Members Currently Searching Within New Hampshire Who Chose To Be Featured
91. DoraElizabeth : Elizabeth was adopted by Dorothy and Clarence Thompson. She was adopted in Grafton country NH court they the children’s aid society.
92. Sharilee1768 : I was so young but I remember the birth was at Monadnock hospital in Peterborough, New Hampshire
93. 2tammie : I am searching for my 1/2 sister. Name given at birth Tammie Lynn Walsh D.O.B May 4th‚ 5th or 6th. 1966. Adoption took place through a private agency in concord‚ NH. Our mother stayed at Booth memorial for unwed mothers in Boston Massachusetts. something to do with Salvation Army(?) . Tammie was born in Boston memorial hospital and said to have been in foster care for first few weeks and possibly adopted in NH. Tammie was born breach and required a full body cast at a few months old. born with lots of dark hair.
94. LisaStandish9 : I am looking for my half-brother on my father’s side. His mother was attending University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana at the time of the pregnancy. I believe she was sent to a Spence Chapin facility in Chicago but it may have been another nearby city like Cleveland or St. Louis. His mother’s maiden name is Schrader and they lived in the St. Louis area.
95. LeoDad : I am searching for my son and daughter, whose mother absconded with them and may have lost or given up custody of one or both of them.
96. Bryanweber : I hope you find me.
97. KrisGarlin : My father was adopted from an orphanage in Boston in the 1940’s. He has since passed away and I would like to find his birth parents.
98. Repeekooz : New Hampshire Catholic Charities, Nashua NH St. Joseph’s Hospital, Nashua NH Hillsborough County NH
99. Sunsetsabound : My son David Alexander Langdon was born in Richmond, VA, in the VCU hospital on December 8, 2010. At the time, his father and I were in a relationship. To protect my son from his angry father, I had Children and Youth Services (CYS) pick him up. After over a year of fighting to regain custody of my son, I gave him up for adoption, as I could no longer handle the emotional struggles that went along with attempting to get him back. My son was with a potential adoptive family, but something went wrong (I don’t know precisely what happened), and so he was removed from the home, and sent back to foster care. And that is when I lost contact with him. My hope is to reconnect with my little boy. I’m taking a huge risk to my mental health in an effort to find him. Please assist me if you know anything that can help. I’m 28 now, and I live in Pennsylvania. I am no longer involved with his father.
100. Paula2019 : i dont know where she is i never met her since i open my eyes when i was born and she was gone her name is cindy ellen scott she is my birth mother
101. Moisusan : new hampshire birthplace
102. Mgirard79 : I know I was born in Hanover new hampshire....i just want to know who I am and where I come from
103. Bmulkerin : I am looking for my brother who was born in Derby Line, Vermont in 1928 and was given up for adoption by my mother. He most likely would have been adopted in either Massachusetts, New Hampshire or Vermont. The name on his birth certificate was Robert Kenneth Sawyer. Born on Feb 27, 1928 in Derby, Vermont. The father’s name on the birth certificate is listed as Marshall Morrill. The doctor’s name on birth certificate is E.A. Taylor
104. Meditrina : Baby boy born in New Hampshire - possibly Keene around 11/8/1968.
105. Lkn4mybfparents : He was born in Nashua NH, has been told his mother was Catholic, Italian and very young and that his father was 100%Puerto Rican and was in the US working