New Hampshire Adoption Records
The world's largest adoption reunion registry for adoptees and families
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Every person in New Hampshire deserves the chance to uncover their origins. Whether you’re an adoptee searching for adoption records in New Hampshire or a birth parent seeking reconnection, every piece of your story matters.
Obtaining adoption records in New Hampshire can often feel overwhelming. offers a simpler path. Our platform connects 1,193,182 people worldwide, helping them find their biological families.
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Let help you find your lost family today! is a powerful adoption reunion registry designed to help you reconnect with your birth parents. By registering, you gain access to a growing database of over 1,193,182 profiles, increasing your chances of finding your biological relatives. The platform respects your privacy and allows you to update your profile anytime.
Registration is free, and the unique search tool ensures measurable match results. When you find your birth parents, remember to approach the reunion with an open heart and understanding, as it can be an emotionally significant experience for everyone involved.
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JamesColisPer 2 minutes ago
Rvingoe 25 minutes ago
Johncomehome 45 minutes ago
DJBlack94 2 hours ago
Avabaca14 3 hours ago
Sm89 3 hours ago
Maeyghean 3 hours ago
Angelascheel 3 hours ago
Sunnilynn84 4 hours ago
Dimehead 4 hours ago
Png228 5 hours ago
1daughterinKy 5 hours ago
Cordelia89 6 hours ago
Janique7 6 hours ago
Theresaschraft 6 hours ago
Sarahbee76 6 hours ago
Kimlindley 7 hours ago
Redcherry62 7 hours ago
Crashq2u 8 hours ago
BioMom94 9 hours ago
A Few of Our Members Currently Searching Within New Hampshire Who Chose To Be Featured
316. Schnaller : Elliott Hospital Manchester, NH
317. Aschofield : Birth father terry conner April 17th 1958 in oregon
318. Habtamu : My name is Habtamu tadesse.I am Ethiopian now i live in southern part of Ethiopia in Hadiya sub city at kachabira lesho mazoria.our family so suffer by losse contact with adaptive family. we all us not know how was the condition of adoptive child. IF IT MAY ESSENTIAL HRE WAS THE NAME OF ADOPTIVE CHILD NAME:TSEHAY ABIYO ANAMO PLEASE HELP US!!!
320. Justkellie87 : Searching for Cheryl (adopted name) Patricia (birth name)
321. Juliecollins : Born at St Elizabeth Hospital in Boston. Adoption through Catholic Charities
322. Bdub919 : I was born in west palm beach Florida on 11-20-1986 my birth mother was born July 28, 1961 in Sanford Maine. My brother was adopted 18 months before me in New Hampshire “Caron”
323. Rook47 : I’m the cousin of Sarah Emmons (Rook) looking for her birth parents to add to our family tree. She was adopted by Rick and Lori Rook when she was an infant.
324. Helpingdnamatches : I am searching on behalf of an adoptee .Looking for a woman who was adopted and lived in California during her mid 20’s, who then placed a daughter for adoption in January 1979 in California. The child (a daughter) was born in Long Beach. She believes that she was born baby girl Beaumont and that her mother was born in the mid 1950’s. She also believes her father was Navy. Both the adoptee and myself have done DNA testing for this search (we are related as well). I have a couple of families that are DNA related but have been unable to narrow results because of the multiple adoptions.
325. Ulfric69 : I am looking for my paternal grandmother. My grandfather’s last name was Richards. I know that her family would not let her keep my father and that his grandparents took him in as my grandfather died shortly after he was born.
326. Sky2004 : I’m the mother to the adopted child’s half sister and I’m trying to help her locate her half brother. They obviously have the same father. The adopted boy, Mason, was adopted shortly after his mother gave birth. She didn’t want a reminder of her affair with my husband (ex husband now). She told me she was giving Mason to her cousins whom lived outside of Illinois (where we all live) in a different state. I don’t remember the state she told me tho because that was 12-13 years ago. I think my daughter deserves to know her one and only step sibling. And she wants to know him, too! When college time comes along for both of them, I don’t want them to meet and fall in love and end up finding out too late that they are siblings. Mason’s mother, Mandy, shouldn’t want that either. I think Mandy is afraid that if I find Mason, I will tell him about his real dad and what a narcissist he is and that Mandy doesn’t want her son to ever meet his birth father.
327. JulietteThibeau5 : Hi! My dad and his siblings are searching for a brother who was adopted as a baby. My grandfather was married before he met my grandmother and had two sons with the first wife. Come to find out, there was actually a third son who was put up for adoption as a baby. His name would have been David Thibeau at birth. The baby would have been adopted out of MA or NH, and it is rumored that the baby went to a family in NH. The women who organized the adoption was named Mrs. Warner. I will give more personal details such as names of our family members if we find a match!
328. Baneena : My name at the time of his birth was Sabrina Anne Lajoie. He was born at Elliot Hospital in Manchester, NH. He was named John Francis and his original birth cert will have him listed as John Francis Lajoie. His adopted parents names are Julie and John who goes by Jack. They lived in Massachusetts and were high school sweethearts. Julie was a school teacher and Jack worked at the school as well but not in an educational position. Maintenance or janitorial possibly. We used Boston Adoption Bureau which has since shut down after the loss of Marilyn Spieser (sp?). They also had another adopted child named Brien!!! He was possibly between 5and 8 at the time of John’s birth. He had just had his tonsils out and was transferred to the hospital I had John at so that Jack and Julie could be at the hospital.
329. Baneena : Looking for Jack, Julie, Brien or John. John is the child I gave birth to on January 28, 1997. His parents are Jack and Julie and his adopted brother was Brien. Born in Manchester, NH but raised somewhere in MA. Fairly sure now that his last name is Lyons!!!
330. Marcuswiley2277 : Looking fod Shania wiley you were born in las vegas 2001