New Hampshire Adoption Records
The world's largest adoption reunion registry for adoptees and families
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Every person in New Hampshire deserves the chance to uncover their origins. Whether you’re an adoptee searching for adoption records in New Hampshire or a birth parent seeking reconnection, every piece of your story matters.
Obtaining adoption records in New Hampshire can often feel overwhelming. offers a simpler path. Our platform connects 1,193,190 people worldwide, helping them find their biological families.
Answer 10 quick questions—like your birth date, location, and any known details—and discover potential matches instantly with our smart matching technology.
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Let help you find your lost family today! is a powerful adoption reunion registry designed to help you reconnect with your birth parents. By registering, you gain access to a growing database of over 1,193,190 profiles, increasing your chances of finding your biological relatives. The platform respects your privacy and allows you to update your profile anytime.
Registration is free, and the unique search tool ensures measurable match results. When you find your birth parents, remember to approach the reunion with an open heart and understanding, as it can be an emotionally significant experience for everyone involved.
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Powell58 6 minutes ago
Tleighsue65 12 minutes ago
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JamesColisPer 1 hour ago
Rvingoe 1 hour ago
Johncomehome 1 hour ago
DJBlack94 3 hours ago
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Angelascheel 4 hours ago
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Dimehead 5 hours ago
Png228 6 hours ago
1daughterinKy 6 hours ago
Cordelia89 7 hours ago
Janique7 7 hours ago
A Few of Our Members Currently Searching Within New Hampshire Who Chose To Be Featured
106. Snik3988 : Memorial Hospital, North Conway, NH
107. KDC1127 : I am looking for my birth son, born 2/2/99 in Dover, NH. He was adopted by a couple who may have lived in the Wolfboro NH area. The adoption was handled through the Strafford Country Superior Court House in Dover, NH
108. Bianca01 : My name is Bianca (first) Veronica (middle). I was born in the Concord Hospital. My father was born in Puerto Rico. Not much is known about my early history. I have a (now 14) year old brother. My mother’s maiden name was Kelly Anne Leclair. If you are either my father or mother, please contact me.
109. RobertReagan : Born May 27th, 1946 in Nashua New Hampshire
110. TammyLedoux : In search for the truth of whom my biological parents may truly be sadly‚ the parents that raised me are now gone and I am left without answers.
111. Jenniburr01 : My father traveled for work and I know that I have other siblings. I’m not sure of names or birth dates. He passed away when I was a year old. This siblings would be from my father only and not my mother. He was from Hickory/Newton MS.
112. Lovelukebryan : Born at a hospital in Biddeford, Maine! Agency Catholic charities in Manchester, NH
113. Judielo : I am a birth mother who searching for a daughter born August 3, 1963. Her birth name was Karli Lynn Blewitt. Thank you for any information .
114. Gsleader : Are you a twin??? Searching for twin brothers. Birth Father name: Andrew Patria Birth mother, April? Last name unknown. Twin Boys born most likely in Keene, Cheshire County, New Hampshire (Cheshire Hospital) or possibly Monadnock Community Hospital in Peterborough, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire. These are my cousins and I am a family genealogist and trying to help the twins’ siblings locate their brothers (the twins have 5 half-siblings (by 3 different mothers). The twins were adopted shortly after birth so no actual birth date is known but is believed to be mid-August, 1987.
115. RSotto89 : Mothers name is Ledith Renee Sweezer. Was placed in foster care around 8 or 9 years old with her oldler brother James Mandel Sweezer.
116. Mysticmoon : Fathers name: Harry Walter Martin Mothers name: Cora (Pherson) Martin
117. Jaclaurion : Searching for Birth Mother. I recently found birth Father. Born in Manchester New Hampshire. Adopted from Catholic Charities. I was born premature.
118. Deedles77 : My Birth name was Wendy Melanson. My legal name is now Julie Prince, my married name was Wendy Morin
119. Deedles77 : My name was Wendy Melanson at birth, Wendy Morin married name and now legal name is Julie Prince
120. Hazeldog : Born in Massachusetts, adopted by Family Services in Manchester, NH in 1971