connects adoptees with their loved ones in Manitoba, Canada. We are a country-wide adoption reunion registry for Canada and the largest adoption registry in the world. If you’re looking to reunite with a loved one in Manitoba, simply complete our form in moments and potentially match immediately with a child, parent, or sibling. reunites families by mutual consent, without the requirement to access adoption records. It is simple, fast, and easy. And with our NameSearch and DNA features, your chances of making a connection in Manitoba are even better. Try now.
151. Marco12 : Hello, I was born in a Winnipeg hospital and I was at kenora child and family services
152. MrsSouviens : born at Misericordia hospital Winnipeg Manitoba birth mother Shelagh Jane Reynolds was from Ontario birth father was in the Canadian Armed Forces Barrie ON
153. KenSusannaDack : Hello, I’m searching for Stephen Peter Dack, son of Kenneth Paul Dack & Elizabeth Rose Dack. Born April 26, 1994 at Grace Hospital in Winnipeg Manitoba Canada. He was apprehended at birth by CFS & later placed up for adoption. This was not my husband’s decision/choice. I realize the name may have changed at time of adoption. Due to tragic loss/death of son Kenneth Paul Jr. in Feb of 1994, Ken’s daughter Christine Elizabeth Dack was also removed from home, placed into care & later adopted. It took 23 years, & in 2017 we reunited with her. This has been a blessing & given us renewal in faith. Ken & I hope & pray to reunite with Son as well. Ken & I (Susanna) married in 1997, a blended family with child count of 7. We always include his from prior marriage. We are not getting any younger, & are still patiently waiting for that amazing moment, when we can set the dinner table to include Steven. Please help us find him.
154. DaveShier : Mothers name Mary Elizabeth Phillips
155. Linda092555 : I know that I was born in Brandon Manitoba. Birth name Linda Gaye Ferne Walker. My birth father is Vernon L Walker and my birth mother is/was Rose Walker. I am on post adoption registry since 1990. In 1998 I was advised my birth father had registered. A time was set up for me to call him but he did answer the phone. I was contacted via letter in August 1998 by him with some info that he had remarried had 2 children Shannon and Vernon jr. I was already aware that I was one of three children put up for adoption. I was the middle child. My brother drowned never adopted. My sister Brenda was adopted to a family in Carmen. She was a year younger than me. Through the registry I was contacted by my niece Tiffany Bruce from Fairview Alberta in Jan 2011. My sister passed away in 2006 of cancer. My nieces and I are trying to get maternal health info. I have found a stepbrother Wesley Walker in Hamilton Ont. and contacted him. My father is still alive living in Hamilton but his memory is poor. My stepbrother has given him my contact info but two weeks have gone by no contact.
156. Edward1900 : Born in Winnipeg Manitoba I believe at Victoria Hospital Indigenous Both birth parents First Nation I am a member of Peguis First Nation Birth father had large family
157. KimberleyStacey50 : Given name at birth was Gillis Wayne McKay. Born June 21, 1968. Was put into fostercare at birth and remained with the same foster family until adoption on 2nd. Birthday then flew by plane to the United States on June 21 1970 at the age of 2 . Name was changed on birth certificate to Paul Edward Blythe. Adopted parents were Almeada Blythe And Danny Blythe. Have been told that there are other siblings and that child was born addicted to alcohol.
158. RobynGillings : I was born on Feburary 18,1982 in Selkirk Manitoba,Canada. I was adopted on March 13,1982. My birth mother was 5’4 with a medium build and brown hair and blue eyes. The name I was given at birth was Kristi Leigh Lloyd. My mother’s name was Kathleen Heather Lloyd, she was from Swan River but was living in Selkirk at the time of my birth.
159. Klymkiw1224 : I only know I was born in Winnipeg at the then old Grace hospital located in the Wolseley area. I was of German decent and given the birth name Doris.
160. Lucy73 : Birth name was Allison Gail
161. LoriPhilion : I have a younger sister also and we both were adopted to the same family
162. Olgzr51 : Misericordia Hospital Adoption took place Approximately Feb 1952 which is six months after birth Remained hospitalized the entire time.
163. Olgzr51 : My husbands birth date is 9/18/51. He was adopted approx. 2/1/1952 Also in Winnipeg Manitoba at Misericordia Hospital We have been searching a long time. In 1990s his listed birth Father denied parentage and contact. Birth registry cannot find mother. We do not have any names or any possible names. Non identifying info says father is Ukranian mother is Irish.
164. Olgzr51 : My birth date is 9/18/51. adopted approx. 2/1/1952 Also in Winnipeg Manitoba at Misericordia Hospital We have been searching a long time. In 1990s my listed birth Father denied parentage and contact. Birth registry cannot find mother. We do not have any names or any possible names. Non identifying info says father is Ukranian mother is Irish.
165. Gerfma : I am looking for my birth father and half siblings and am registered with a DNA data base. I know my birth mother. Thanks
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