Manitoba Adoption Reunion Registry | Search with no Records

Manitoba Adoption Reunion Registry connects adoptees with their loved ones in Manitoba, Canada. We are a country-wide adoption reunion registry for Canada and the largest adoption registry in the world. If you’re looking to reunite with a loved one in Manitoba, simply complete our form in moments and potentially match immediately with a child, parent, or sibling. reunites families by mutual consent, without the requirement to access adoption records. It is simple, fast, and easy. And with our NameSearch and DNA features, your chances of making a connection in Manitoba are even better. Try now.

A Few of Our Members Currently Searching Within Manitoba Who Chose To Be Featured

31. Queenirene : I am looking for my biological sister. We were both given at birth. Our mothers name is Margaret Ferris and father is Harold Weedon. My sisters name at birth was Anne Marie Ferris born in 1967 possibly between the months of april-june at the St Boniface Hospital in Winnipeg, MB.

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32. Hossltd : Born at grace hospital. June 29‚1972. Birth Parents were young around 20 both in fairly good health. Birth Mother named me Christopher micheal she was from neepawa. She went to a pregnancy home for unwed mothers in Winnipeg. Her then partner was somewhat cooperative but said it would be best to give me a stable home. Lois Roberta Lyn walker is her unwed name. She was born 1950 June 10 1950 I don’t know birth fathers name. Birth mother suffered from epilepsy.

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33. A1nugget : my mom had 2 others both boys, Joe and Paul. My mothers name was Nellie, she die of cancer. My mother now was her case worker. Barbara Goldsmith. Joe and I were adopted together. only thing I know about my father was he was married before having me and has six or seven kids. My brother Joe has past away and I’m alone, I don’t even have the adopted family for support. and I would like to know am I ukrainan or indian or French what am I? thank you.

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34. Solo1274 : My birth name was David Charles Stoney

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35. Kelseymcgowan : Lessard?

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36. Twoloons : Hello, I am looking for information to locate my Aunt (or her son) who was born out of wedlock and given up for adoption some time shortly before 1923. She was the daughter of my grandmother (Violet Andrewes Sept 26, 1895-Aug 4 1958). From what I understand my grandmother became pregnant out of wedlock and was sent to live with her sister in Winnipeg Manitoba. Her sister’s name was Mary Alice Andrewes (May 18-1872). Once the baby girl was born, she was put up for adoption. The only other information that I have is that her brother Robert Andrewes’ name was on the adoption papers and may have also had her sister’s name on the paperwork (Mary Alice Andrewes -Merrett was her married name) The other information that I have is that my Aunt, later in life married and ended up living in California U.S.A where she is believed to have died of Alzheimer’s related issues. She had at least one child, a son. My mother, her sisters and her parents have all passed. Any information you may have would be so greatly appreciated. I would be nice to learn about the sister my mother never knew and reach out to her son/family.

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37. Brianenns : I am searching for my 3 maternal siblings. My 2 older brothers were born March 20 1954 & July 211957 they were raised in the Child Aid Society in Portage La Prairie Manitoba, as well as my sister who was born Jan 4 1965 and adopted from Portage La Prairie, Manitoba. I believe we were all born in Winnipeg.

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38. Yukon : Health science center. Winnipeg Manitoba

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39. Alexwiebe : My name is alex wiebe previously alex dale I was giving up right after birth I was born in 1996 in Winnipeg Manitoba to an Irish family

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40. Shelbymav : Birth name - Bryan Joseph Girard Birth place - Winnipeg, Manitoba Birth date - September 9, 1963 He was adopted by a Dutch Catholic family. His adoptive parents had already adopted a son and daughter. His father enjoyed building boats. Both adoptive parents had large families and the families were involved in farming. They resided in Manitoba.

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41. Fronlagimodiere97 : Her name was nikita sapphire lagimodiere at birth...child n family services winnipeg..worker sandra mendel was adoptive social worker

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42. DestinyB : I am searching for my birth-father. I only know his name is John. He is caucasian with brown eyes, brown hair, was approximately 5’8 and around 145 lbs. There’s a chance I was conceived in Florida, as both my birth-parents worked for a traveling entertainment business.

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43. Jacqueline1965 : My auntie has been trying to locate her son, my first cousin. She gave him up for adoption and wants to reunite with him. She gave up her search because she was not getting any results. She came to me an said ’See if you can find him’ I hope to see him before I leave this world.’

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44. Jnay : I was born August 14, 1972 in Brandon, Manitoba, Canada. My birth name was Sandra Louise. I am searching for my birth family (excluding birth mother). I have some information that my birth mother (I. G. Campbell). She was born in Neepawa, Manitoba in 1955, and came from a large family. She has requested ZERO contact. She has since 1972 married, and had two other daughters - Kimberly and Michelle. I would very much like to connect with them. I have no identifying information on my birth father. Looking for him. I have submitted an AncestryDNA kit. Since BMother was in her teens, perhaps the BF was very young was well.

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45. Jamesslezak12 : Wanting to find my brother who was adopted before I was born, roughly around 30 yo

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