California Adoption Reunion Registry | Search with no Records

California Adoption Records

The world's largest adoption reunion registry
for adoptees and families

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About Adoption Records in California 

California adoption records are sealed, and you can’t access an original birth certificate or other documents without a court order. For some adoptions, the state will release names and contact information if both the adoptee and the birth parents consent.

Even with this option, accessing adoption records in California is difficult. Fortunately, there’s another pathway available to you. is a voluntary adoption reunion registry where adoptees, birth parents, and relatives can find one another very quickly.

When you register with, you can begin looking for your relatives, whether you’re in San Diego, Sacramento, or anywhere else in California. To join, you just need to answer ten easy questions about the adoption. These questions focus on the adoption details that most people know, even without access to official state records.

Bureaucratic red tape shouldn’t keep you from getting the answers you’ve spent a lifetime not knowing. Register with today for the chance to reunite with your birth family.

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Are Adoption Records Public in California?

No, adoption records are not public in California. You need a court order to access adoption records, which include an adoptee’s original birth certificate. This document usually contains the birth parents’ names.

How Do I Obtain Adoption Records in California?

You’ll need to file a petition to access adoption records in California. In the petition, you must show that you have a good reason for accessing the records, such as a medical necessity. Contact the clerk’s office in the county superior court that handled the adoption. The clerk can provide more information on how to file your petition.

While California has closed adoption records, the state can provide identifying information to adoptees in some circumstances. You can ask for your birth parents’ names if you meet these conditions:

  • You’re 21 or older.
  • Your adoption was finalized after Jan. 1, 1984.
  • Your birth parent(s) signed a form granting permission to disclose their name(s).
  • You submit a statement requesting your birth parents’ names and addresses.

You should send your form to the agency that handled the adoption or the California Department of Social Services (CDSS). CDSS doesn’t charge a fee, but licensed adoption agencies may require payment.

If you cannot obtain any information this way, you can also register with California’s Mutual Consent Program. The registry will release contact information for adult adoptees and birth parents if both sides consent. This information will include names, email addresses, and/or phone numbers. Siblings can also join the registry if they’re at least 18 years old.

To join the registry, complete the Consent for Arranging Contact (AD 902) form if you’re an adoptee or a birth parent. Siblings should complete the Waiver of Rights to Confidentiality for Siblings (AD 904A) form. Return the form to CDSS or the agency that handled the adoption.

Does California Have Open Adoption Records?

No, adoption records in California are closed. However, California allows open adoptions to take place. An open adoption means the birth parents and adoptive parents arrange to have contact with each other.

While open adoptions allow families to share information, they don’t change the legal status of adoptions. Open adoption records in California are sealed once an adoption is finalized.

Are Adoption Records Sealed in California?

Yes, California seals all adoption records to keep birth parents’ identities private. If you’re an adoptee, however, you can get some non-identifying information about your birth parents. This information may include general facts about your birth parents and their medical histories. It will not include their names or contact information.

You can request access to non-identifying information by writing a letter. In the letter, include your name, date and place of birth, and your adoptive parents’ names. You’ll need to have your signature notarized. Mail your letter to the adoption agency or the CDSS. You cannot email or fax your letter.

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Let help you find your lost family today! is a powerful adoption reunion registry designed to help you reconnect with your birth parents. By registering, you gain access to a growing database of over 1,192,791 profiles, increasing your chances of finding your biological relatives. The platform respects your privacy and allows you to update your profile anytime.

Registration is free, and the unique search tool ensures measurable match results. When you find your birth parents, remember to approach the reunion with an open heart and understanding, as it can be an emotionally significant experience for everyone involved.

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A Few of Our Members Currently Searching Within California Who Chose To Be Featured

481. Chewbaby76 : hello my name is christine sanders ( debra nicole wilson) at birth i am looking for my birth father james wilson he was stationed in california at twenty nine palms marine base in california in 1976, he met her through a phone book with her friend they met up and went to magic mountain. they dated for a period of time then she becamr pregnant with me he sent my mom money for an abortion but did not pursue that avenue she had me on october 15, 1976 james was notified and he told her give me his last name of wilson but had to sign his rights away because he 21 and she was 16 at the time. she has told me they had taken pictures overlooking the ocean, and he sent her pictures of him on his bed in the barriks he was wearing a baby blue shirt and had a teddy bear with him on the bed, he also gave her a ring that said love with a diamond in the center, she also tells me that he is fillipino and white about 5f 4in fit. black hair blue eyes. then he was shipped off to okinawa shortly he also sent his mail to my mom to send to his parents in colorado springs colorado. he really loved my mom and i really want to meet my dad if possible i have so many questions for him and so does she :) My moms name is ROSE MARIE COONY. and she was living in Santa barbara california at that time and he came looking for her a year later but missed her and she never got to see him so if your out there please contact me asasp . Sincerely christine sanders ( debra nicole wilson)

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482. Manderson1950 : My mother was born and adopted in San Francisco‚ CA in February of 1950. Through genetic genealogy and records research I have identified who her birth parents are. Her father is Edmund Hogan. Her mother is Margaret Ann Park. I know that Edmund is deceased. I have not been able to find any record of Margaret past 1953. I am looking for information about Margaret.

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483. Ktb2014 : I was born at the Good Samaritan hospital, also called the Alexican Brothers hospital in San Jose, ca on January 20, 1972 at 10:27pm. My birth name was Baby Girl Endicott. I was breach - my birth mother tried to have me at home but couldn’t once she realized I was coming out feet first. She was 15 when she had me, I was told she was deaf in one ear from rheumatic fever and that she had a sister. The adoption was fast - I went home with my new family three days later. I was born under the name baby girl Endicott and just like some info on my birth family. I was given to a great home - but would love to have this final piece.

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484. NatalieJohnson : My mother Beverly Jean Brown was adopted by Erma L. Brown and William A Brown as a baby. She was born in Ventura County‚ California on 9/22/1947. By DNA‚ her Grandmother is Maggie Wolfe and her Grandfather is William Mayes. They had several children‚ one of them is her birth parent. I am searching for my Grandparents.

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485. Naduhlee90 : Born at Riverside General hospital in August 1990 in Riverside CA. Bio moms name Phillipa Barnes

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486. Ajacob1007 : I was born at Holy Cross Hospital in Mission Hills, CA. I know my birth mothers name, Valerie Gonzalez. I was adopted at birth. I believe the adoption went through in October 1984

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487. Gaylew50 : My mom was staying in Chula Vista, CA when my baby brother was born in either Imperial or San Diego County, CA back in 1961 or 1962. He was described as a "big, beautiful boy with strawberry blonde hair". Mom’s maiden name was Clarine [may have been misspelled] and her legal name was "Lowry" [also may have been misspelled] since I can’t seem to find a record with the correct spellings. She was divorced at the time of his birth. She may have named him or he may have been listed as "Baby Boy Lowry".

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488. Sindikate : When looking through my adoption info i realized I have my brithmother’s birthdate... I didn’t see this before but I feel this will make it easier to find her as the adoption agency wouldn’t give me identifying information decades ago when I began looking.

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489. Triciastory : Looking for my son birth name Aziah Silence Story. My name is Tricia Story

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490. Csmead : I was named after my birth mother‚ Carol Ann Hubbard. I was born in San Diego Calif. I have completed DNA and matched up to birth father. It was a surprise to him‚ and he has handled it very well. Birth Mother is still out there somewhere and last heard she was telling her adult children that I was a criminal trying to steal her identity. It’s possible that someone has shown her a Facebook picture and maybe I look like her? I heard that she still lives in San Diego‚ as well as her extended family.

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491. SB2015 : Hi there! In search of my Biological Family . My name is Sean I’m 39 years old and was born at Sharp Memorial Hospital in San Diego‚ CA on May 12‚ 1983. I was adopted as an infant into a local San Diego Area family which one parent (adoptive father) was in the Marines‚ stationed in Camp Pendleton at the time. What I do know is that I have a birth mother named Laura and an older biological brother named Alex. I do not have any information as of now on any Adoption Agencies that were used and have somewhat limited information. Hope this generates a lead!! I currently live in the Pacific Northwest in the Seattle Area.

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492. Rnikers : Born at Fountain Valley Hospital

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493. TheCrazyChic13 : I am looking for my half sister born as Jade Alicia Salansky on 8-25-1991. She was born with Cerebral Palsy. My name is Brandy Miller and was born as Brandy Nicole Howard on 11-14-1988. Our Birth Mother’s name is Annette Marie Salansky. Both of our adoptions took place in California.

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494. Tami1966 : Born Santa Clara County‚ 1/2 Japanese‚ 1/2 Caucasian (possibly Polish descent)

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495. Babyk76 : I was born June 22 1976 in Monterrey, California at Fort Ord Hospital. My birth mothers last name was Kinion and she was 21 when she had me. I am searching for my birth father. My birth father lived in a different state when I was born.

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