connects adoptees with their loved ones in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. We are a country-wide adoption reunion registry for South Africa and the largest adoption registry in the world. If you’re looking to reunite with a loved one in KwaZulu-Natal, simply complete our form in moments and potentially match immediately with a child, parent, or sibling. reunites families by mutual consent, without the requirement to access adoption records. It is simple, fast, and easy. And with our NameSearch and DNA features, your chances of making a connection in KwaZulu-Natal are even better. Try now.
211. Christopherhilton : Edendale hospital Pietermaritzburg
212. 29121973 : Was adopted in pietermaritzburg by Louisa and Benjamin Niekerk. My birth surname is Barnett
213. Renewalker1969 : Mothers name was Elwyn Joy Burmester married Nel
214. Sashnee : Dean sagathavan searching for parents,born in rk khans hospital,adopted by krishnavelie sagathavan and Tony sagathavan
215. Suven : I was put up for adoption in stanger mums name was gomathy my name on the papers was mohan maharaj
216. TheresaB123 : I was adopted in Durban, Addington hospital. I have three brothers. Mother Jacoba Susarah Lotter(Kotie) maiden was Augustyn. Father was Casparus Jacobus Lotter. Three brothers Marius Lotter he is 50 now. Jeffrey is 58 and Deon 54.
217. Nolwazi : I know that they surename is Ngcobo, I was born in elundi .. in nkonjeni hospital in 1992 18 of November
218. Madrabbit87 : Apparently my biological mother is bezudenhoud or so my my mom told my she was working as a nurse and took care of children that time her name is Elizabeth Anna Lubbe
219. ElizabethKeun : My twin sister and I were fostered and then adopted from 1983. We were given up by a lady named Anna Marie Katherina Van Vuuren( Last know Name). She was Married to Johan Hendrik Van Vuuren who was in and out of Jail in Kroonstad and last release from what I know 1986 and Anna was with a man named Clive Spenceley at the time. they wrote a letter saying they were going to Johannesburg.My sister and I were know as Angelique Van Vuuren and Angela Van Vuuren. we were born at Addington hospital in Durban South Africa. Anna’s last know address was pickering street in Durban.
220. LindyHeny : I am searching for any relative of my father who was born COLIN ROY RIPLEY on the 13th of July 1953 in Kwazulu Natal, South Africa. He was adopted about 10 days after his birth. The only information we have is the name of his birth mom which we know to be DOREEN EVANS RIPLEY. She was 18 years old at the time of his birth. His adoptive parents, Roberta and George Spoors Carr kept the name given by his birth mother and registered him as Colin Roy Carr.
221. SaRcoeH : Find me
222. WilliamJohnTurner : Adopted by Reginald Clement and Elizabeth Cornelia Turner. Born in Durban
223. WaspStar : Hi, I’m trying to find the birth parents of my great grandmother, who was put up for adoption at birth. She was born circa 1892 in South Africa, on her marriage certificate, it says "Cape Colony" but could also have been in the Johannesburg area. From a DNA test, I have discovered that she was from a Ashkenazi Jewish family. I have traced a number of DNA matches and I am fairly certain that I know of her family line, but I’m still not 100% certain who her birth parents would have been as a couple of things don’t tie up, mainly her date of birth. I would like to be able to obtain any information regarding her adoption, I know it was a long time ago, but it would be fantastic if i could tie up this family mystery.
224. Sagie : I know the hospital I was born in was the Saint Augustines, my birth name is Ashwin Paul and my adoptive parents names was Mononmanee Govender and Ramsamy Govender . I also have the registrar reference number .
225. WarwickJohn : My name is Warwick Honeywill. My birth name was David Rautenbach (not sure of the spelling) My adopted parents are John and Kathleen.
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