Colombia Adoption
Reunion Registry is proud to offer a country-wide adoption reunion registry for Colombia. If you’re looking to reunite with a loved one in Colombia, simply complete our form in moments and potentially match immediately with a child, parent, or sibling.
Colombia reunites families by mutual consent, without the requirement to access adoption records. It is simple, fast, and easy. And with our NameSearch and DNA features, your chances of making a connection in Colombia are even better. Try now while registration is free.
Members Currently Searching Within Colombia
1. Steve_jaime : I am looking for my birth mother or any other family members. I don’t have much info surrounding the adoption. I was born 1-27-77 in Bogota, Colombia @ Nuestra Senora de Belen. FANA assisted with the adoption. Bernada Velandia
2. Usique : Estoy buscando a Leidy Johana Sanchez‚ nacida en Bogotá Colombia en 1983. Fue adoptada por una pareja de Esposos Britanicos llamados Peter y Anne West. Esta pareja le dijo a a mi madre que vivirian en Londres y que la niña se llamaria Anne Nohemi West. Cualquier Información que nos puedan ofrecer al respecto les estaremos eternamente agradecidos.
3. ColoTwiztd : Im looking for my real parents to see if they are alive.
4. Mssue : I am looking for a family member of Luis Antonio Bayona Fonce born in Bucaramanga but living in San Gil when adopted in Sept. 1988. His mother was Maria Elena Fonce Duarte and she had 5 children. The attorney was Nilka Ortiz. There were 4 other children. Two sisters were adopted in NJ, one was adopted by the same family as Luis and the other was adopted by a family in South Jersey. She was around 7 years old.Thank you for any help.
5. Mssue : My Sister, Maria Elena & I, Luis Antonnio, were adopted 8/88 and 9/88 by the same family. Our mother’s name was Maria Elena Fonce Duarte. Another sister was then also given up for adoption in NJ, she was 7, but my adoptive family was unable to adopt her. We lived in San Gil and the attorney who worked with my family was Nilka Ortiz. This older sister and another older sister (there were 5 of us), were living with our grandparents when Maria & I were adopted. Our birthdates are: Maria 11/30/85 and mine 11/3/86. My adoptive family was working with AMOR Adoptions and the family that adopted my older sister was also a member. Marianne McAndrew’s ran the agency and since then cannot be found. Any insights or directions would be greatly appreciated.
6. Mssue : My name was Luis Antonio Bayona Fonce (11/3/1986) and I was adopted from San Gil, Colombia along with one of my 3 older sisters whose name was Maria Elena Fonce Duarte (11/30/1985) in 1988 by the same family in New Jersey. Shortly after another older sister age 7 was adopted by another family in NJ. Her name or that of the other older sister was Arianna. I am looking for the oldest two and possibly the youngest as there was one more younger than I. I don’t know if she was ever given up for adoption. Our attorney’s name was Nilka Ortiz and the connection was made through AMOR Adoptions.
7. Nicolereneeb : Adoptee: Adoption name: Nelson Zea Current name: Ralph john butler Date born: September 11, 1975 Adoption agency: La casa de madre y niño Mothers name: Herrera My father was adopted approximately 10 days after his birth
8. InesElviraHoyos : No se cómo escribir..... siento mucho Amor por usted y realmente lo he sentido‚ realmente lo he sentido‚ toda mi vida. Usted siempre Me ha hecho Mucha falta. Obvio que tengo preguntas pero lo que más me interesa‚ es saber que mi madre está viva‚ feliz y con salud. Me gustaría conocerla pronto pero no la quiero asustar ni precionar en ningún sentido. Vivo en un país europeo y usted acá tiene un nietecito más precioso del mundo con el nombre Camilo Hoyos. La amamos mucho y le pido‚ escribe o llámame. Acá tiene una hija que le adora. Pido al Dios que me ayuda de encontrarla. Con todo el amor de mi alma‚ abrazos Inés Elvira Hoyos.
9. Leonorsepulveda : Busco dos primos dados en adopciòn. Son hijos de la señora Leonor Sepùlveda, mi tia. Los niños un niño de màs o menos dos años y una nena de 9 meses fueron entregados al ICBF en enero de 1986 por su propia madre para ser dados en afopciòn. El niño se llamaba Jonathan Sanchez Sepùlveda y la niña Catherine Sànchez Sepulveda.
10. Indhira : I need to find my parents and my mother and my brothers. I was adopted by an indonesian family. At july 28 1998 i was adopted. Please help me find my father and mother and family. Thank you.
11. Simonsanchez9494 : Hola Me llamo Simon Sanchez y nacio 14 de septiembre 1994 en una hospital en Bogota (Colombia) en el distrito o barrio que creo que se llama Santa Fe! Ahora vivo en Suecia y tengo 24 anos! Ahora estoy escribiendolo para ustedes porque ojala que encontrarme con mi madre biological y creo que el nobre de ella es Magdalena Milena Sanchez y fue 16 anos cuando ella me dio a luz! Quiero saber que si hay una persona que me recuerda! Estais minultima esperanza para encontrarla! Ayudame porfa /Simon Sanchez
12. PatrickDaniels83 : My adopted name was Ricardo Arevalo I was born in Bogota Colombia at 12:20 am on October 16th The name of the hospital is called Hospital Materno Infantil de Bogota. She has a daughter the was 2 years older than me that lives with her mother. She is from Cucui, Boyaca another state in Colombia She lives with her father and mother. Her name is Maria Angela Arevalo Moreno / or Maria Angelica Arevalo Moreno I really need you help been searching for 6 years now. I need closer for myself my wife and my 3 beautiful girls. My biological mother saved my life. She stated in her statement she did want me to grow up poor and in the streets. I have accomplished a lot in my life and must let her know it was because of her that my life had a chance. Thank you Patrick Daniels
13. JuanFernandoVasquez : English: I was born in Medellin, Colombia in september 1985. I am looking for my birth mother. Name: Blanca Jaramillo Vasquez. Espanol: Juan Fernando Vásquez fue adoptado en Dinamarca y busca a su familia en Medellín. Juan Fernando Vásquez Jaramillo nació el 18 de septiembre de 1985 en el Hospital General de Medellín y a sus 19 meses de vida, una pareja de daneses lo adoptó. Ahora, el paisa busca a su familia, solo con el dato del nombre de su madre, Blanca Vásquez Jaramillo. Si alguien lo reconoce o sabe sobre sus parientes.
14. Luisa_Fernanda_94 : Estoy buscando mi hermano mayor. Cuando mi madre biologica me dio a luz, ella trajo mis 2 hermanos mayores a la Hogar de la madre en el orfanato Ayúdamé, Bogóta. Este busco trata de mi hermano Miguel Angel Moreno Sanchez , nacido 19910302 con número 39.545.269 en su Registro de Nacimiento.
15. MeganSH : Adoption paperwork : Birth mother: Maria Gladys Ramos CCNo. 51637922 of Bogota She was 23 years old Address: Carrera 13A No. 20-66 Adoption was finalized June 12, 1980 Baby Birth Info Eduardo Ramo DOB 03/09/1980 Colombia - Cundinamarca- Bogota Dennis Quinn