Global Adoption Search | A great place for those seeking help on 'How to find Birth Mother' | Find My Family
May 01, 2021
They say that giving birth to a child means having your heart beat outside of your body. The silver cord which binds a mother and her baby together from the first minutes of life is believed in many cultures...
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Apr 01, 2021
What is Nos Buscamos? Nos Buscamos is an NGO legally recognized in Chile since 2014. It was founded to support those people born and adopted from Chile and to help them find their origins, history,...
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Mar 01, 2021
Adoption is a complex and often challenging reality, which forever shapes the destiny and outlook of all parties involved. As our ancestry is responsible for an important part of our appearance, health,...
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Feb 01, 2021
There was a time when the only resources available to adoption reunion searchers were other community members and the church. Eventually government agencies were set up to help but today, with the rise...
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Jan 01, 2021
They say that a journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. You may now be contemplating the idea of taking that first step, which often feels like a leap of faith, of starting to search for your...
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Dec 01, 2020
It can happen in a letter. Or via the Internet. Or over the phone. There are many different scenarios for how a person can contact their birth family but with all of them there is one guarantee: it will...
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Nov 01, 2020
While the age old question of how much of what makes us who we are is due to nature and how much to nurture has still not received a definite scientific answer, nobody can deny that our DNA plays a crucial...
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