As you took your first steps on your journey to search for your birth family, you likely imagined it would be no easy task. That is because unless you were in an open adoption, the bureaucratic red tape around accessing your adoption records in the United States can be daunting. Each state has its own distinct rules and regulations and some are more strict than others when it comes to allowing you to obtain the much needed information about your pre-adoption identity and that of the biological relatives you are hoping to find.

However, we encourage you not to lose heart, because difficult does not mean impossible. This article will tell you more about the kind of records you can hope to access in the various US states. Additionally, we will show you a new, much faster, more convenient and user-friendly way to search for your birth family, which does not involve any legal hassle or paperwork. You will discover how online adoption reunion registries, such as, can bring you closer to the ones you seek when state agencies are unwilling or unable to help you.

What kind of information can you access in all U.S. states?

Regardless of individual state law and policy concerning adoption records, adult adoptees (or legal guardians of minor adoptees) have the right to request non-identifying information about their birth parents in all U.S. states. This can contain some of their socio-demographic data, such as:

  • Their age, ethnicity and general physical traits (e.g. hair and eye colour)

  • Their level of education and line of work

  • Where available, the reason they stated for the adoption

  • Where available, the existence of other siblings

  • Sometimes, information about any outstanding medical history

There are variations among states regarding the type of information that is collected and can be shared upon request, as well as in the procedure that you need to follow to obtain it.

Which U.S. states allow access to your original birth certificate?

Currently only 14 U.S. states allow adult adoptees unrestricted access to their original birth certificate, upon written request. Others only offer restricted access, requiring a court order or, in some cases, the birth parents’ permission to issue a copy of this document. Here is what you can expect: - an easier alternative to finding your birth parents

If your adoption took place in a state that restricts your access to your adoption records, it can be extremely difficult to get the information they contain. Even if you manage to obtain these documents and learn your birth parents’ identities, the challenge of locating them still remains. There can be thousands of people with the same name and they may have long since moved from their last known address, maybe even left the state. And using a private investigator to track them down can be a lengthy and expensive process.

You will be glad to know that nowadays there is a much faster, simpler and more efficient way to find your lost biological relatives even if you have minimal information about them. Adoption reunion registries collect what is known as voluntary adoption records and use them to match adoptees with their birth families. That means a person who wants to find their birth parents, siblings or a child they have given up for adoption can register on the platform and willingly provide the information they have about themselves and the person they are looking for. Should the ones they are seeking do the same, they will be matched by a computer algorithm. is the world’s largest online adoption reunion registry, with over 1 million registered users, each hoping to find their lost relatives and alongside them, that missing piece in their life puzzle. The story of started almost 20 years ago, and it has since made thousands of reunions possible. New people are registering every day, bringing hope of rebuilding bridges and restoring connections.

How can help you search for your birth parents?

The beauty of is that you don’t need to have a substantial amount of information to find a match. All you have to do is answer the carefully designed 10-question survey with as much detail about yourself, your adoption, and your birth family as you possess. There are two main scenarios you can fall under:

1. You have all the information you need to get a match

If you are able to answer all 10 questions in the survey, it is all the easier. Our proprietary software will compare your answers against other members’ profiles and find any existing matches.

Alternatively, you can use our Namesearch feature to search for the ones you seek by the name of any person, place, or organization involved in or the adoption. We will check for matches in our extensive member database.

The moment your profile has been matched with another member's, you will be alerted and will be able to contact them through a direct message if you choose to do so. The best part is that if they are using as well, there is a very good chance they have been looking for you also and will be excited to hear from you.

2. You don’t have enough information to get a match

You may think you can't benefit from an adoption reunion registry, as you know nothing at all about your adoption or birth relatives. However, you will be happy to know you possess the kind of information no one can hide, redact or keep away from you: your very DNA can help your adoption reunion search. You have the option of taking a genetic test and uploading the resulting data to our platform for DNA comparison. If any close biological relative has done the same, you will see these leads right inside your account. The advantage of this process is that you may discover siblings lost to adoption, aunts, uncles or cousins you didn’t even know existed but may be happy to meet.

What if you can’t find your birth family?

While can match you with lost birth relatives who are already members of our community, there is always the possibility that the ones you seek are not here yet. DPlease know that if you can’t find your biological family right now, it doesn’t mean that you never will. As long as you have created your profile and included the information you know, every new day brings a chance that a relative will come across our platform and be instantly matched with you.

In the meantime, keep in mind that you are never alone. Here, at, you can find more than just an adoption reunion service, you can also find a Community of people who share your journey, have lived through the same turmoils, and are going through the same challenges. They are always there to offer a sympathetic ear, to impart what they’ve learned from their experiences, to give you strength and hope when you feel your energy depleted. And when your adoption reunion quest finally comes to an end - be that a joyful or a less fortunate one, they will be there to celebrate the amazing journey you have completed.