Northamptonshire Adoption Reunion Registry | Search with no Records

Northamptonshire Adoption Reunion Registry connects adoptees with their loved ones in Northamptonshire, England. We are a country-wide adoption reunion registry for England and the largest adoption registry in the world. If you’re looking to reunite with a loved one in Northamptonshire, simply complete our form in moments and potentially match immediately with a child, parent, or sibling. reunites families by mutual consent, without the requirement to access adoption records. It is simple, fast, and easy. And with our NameSearch and DNA features, your chances of making a connection in Northamptonshire are even better. Try now.

A Few of Our Members Currently Searching Within Northamptonshire Who Chose To Be Featured

1. David1972 : Born in Northampton Feb 3rd 1972.. Not much other details that I know to tell, possibly was called Lee Wilson and was from a teenage mother?

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2. JonniSD : I am looking for my birth mother, Susan Turner. I was born in Northampton Hospital and given the name Christopher Dale Turner before adoption. I would like to thank her for the path I was given with my (adopted) parents.

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3. Kristysmithies1 : I was born in Northampton to a single mother ‚ I believe she all ready had a child at the time I was born ‚ my birth mother wasn’t with my father at the time I believe and I was given up for adoption ‚ my mother and father worked together I believe ‚ my birthday is 12 th October 1972 and my birth name was Kristy Lee Gwynne

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4. Wendyanne14659 : Searching for my half sister born in 1957 in England birth name Mary Veronica Mcfadden adopted in England. Birth mother Sarah Veronice McFadden known as Sally

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5. Racheljohnson1984 : would love to get in touch with u xx

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6. Pet111 : Searching for a half brother‚ birth name Andrew Radford. He was born in London‚ his mother stayed at 141 West End Lane‚ in a ’Home for mothers and babies’‚ run by the Paddington and Marylebone Ladies Association. Would be very grateful you for any information. Thank You!

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7. Lynz14 : To my Dearest daughter, I hope that you have an enjoyable childhood and that you have done well at school and may be gone onto college or university.You were born in Barrett Maternity Hospital in Northampton and adoption was done in Kettering And Northampton Social Service’s were involved I am sure that your mum(Angela) & Dad (Peter) have brought you up to be a very pleasant young lady. As you are probably aware until recently the law had meant that I could not try to contact you but the law has recently changed, although you may already have known that you were adopted at birth, either from your mum & dad or when you applied for a driving licence or passport etc. There is no way that I would wish to alter the relationship you have with your mum & dad or any brothers or sisters as well as any extended family. Although I would love to meet you and in time to become the maternal mother you have never known. I am single and live on my own and I have a younger sister who is married and has a little boy, My mother is alive and well, my father passed away 11 years ago. They managed to celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary. I have worked in the catering sector for a while then I decided to change career and I have been in the care sector for many years, I would love to meet you or at least make contact for a coffee or a drink at any time convenient to you. From your ever loving mum Lynn

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8. Leaseylou : I’m open to anything, I wouldn’t be on here otherwise. I hold no grudges only questions, so if you are out there looking for me, know I am here looking for you

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9. MichelleCoppard : Looking for my birth father or my half brother and sister from my mother side as I know I have some, my mother is Janet Coppard but married name is unknown. I miss my birth family and want to share mine with them.

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10. AprilRoses : I am searching for my birth father who in 1966 lived in or near Amersham. All I know is his nickname was Jock.

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11. Mickylove : My sister and I are searching for our brother who was born 08/04/1966 at St Saviours Home in Northampton. He was given the name Mark Taylor by our mother, Julie Taylor from Burbage in Leicestershire, born 21/07/1951 and he was adopted shortly after he was born.

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12. Mel1974 : I am searching for my half brother. Birth name David Goldsmith Born on 6th June 1970 Place of birth Islington Withington hospital Birth Mother S Goldsmith Birth father M Savage

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13. GaryKnight81 : Angela Joan Knights Northampton General Hospital Northampton Abdullah

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14. Ray373 : I’m looking for my sister who adopted from Kettering hospital her adopted name Gutteridge

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15. Xjaneyxb : I am looking to make contact with any of my birth family,I was born 4th august 1961 st. edmunds hospital Northampton,my mothers name was Linda margaret smart, and as far as I know my fathers name was peter easson. who was also adopted when he was young, my birth mother was the youngest 0f 11 children. And I would love to know if I have any aunts uncles cousins around. who might be willing to tell me about either my birth mother or father.

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