connects adoptees with their loved ones in Guizhou, China. We are a country-wide adoption reunion registry for China and the largest adoption registry in the world. If you’re looking to reunite with a loved one in Guizhou, simply complete our form in moments and potentially match immediately with a child, parent, or sibling. reunites families by mutual consent, without the requirement to access adoption records. It is simple, fast, and easy. And with our NameSearch and DNA features, your chances of making a connection in Guizhou are even better. Try now.
1. Chenli : My name is Emmah, it used to be Li, Chen. I was born, April 1989 and officially adopted, January 29, 1993. My adoptive parents were approved by, Guiyang Bureau of Civil Administration, to adopt me from, Guiyang Academy of Child Welfare. The notary was, Zhao Xiao Chun Guizhou Notary Public Office Guizhou Province The People’s Republic of China I do not know much, except that I was living with my family up until I was 2 and then left for the orphanage to take. I would like to find anything about my biological parents and family. I really hope I’ll be able to find answers. Thank you.
2. Zoelzyblu97 : I’m from HangZhou
3. Nizhu : I think I was born in China in front of a bank at 4 months old??
4. MaggieGardner : I was found on a policemen’s doorstep, I’m not sure of the exact date or the policemen’s name, But he brought me to an orphanage.
5. Mackenzieallen : Hi I’m looking for my birth parents and family in China. I was adopted when I was one years old and now live in the United States. I am 18 years old now and really want to find my birth parents.
6. Adoptee47 : I was adopted in Guilin, China along with my twin sister in 2002. I was found under a bridge in Guilin and brought to an orphanage.
7. Hjula20 : Hi, I was born in Guiyang June 2003 and found June 2003. Guiyang Guizhou China. Adopted May 2004. I am looking for my birth parents.
8. Rae122 : The Ward family, The Ritzmann family
9. Yunminli : Born in Duyun. Adopted in 2004. Found in an unsafe alley. Duyun social welfare institute. Stayed at a foster family some days per week before adoption.
10. ChenMengLan17 : I would love to see my family member her name is Sheh Bo Bo. I would be grateful if I could see her. I only have pictures of her. I miss you.
11. MichaelGoerke : I am 5’ at the time of me making this profile. I live in Charlotte, NC if you want to come find me.
12. JABorts : She was adopted through Hopes Promise in Castle Rock‚ CO & named Lydia Ray. She was then relinquished to another family in the area. I believer they named her Maria or Mary. The mother was a Special Education Teacher. Lydia was identified as partially deaf once her new mom got her help.
13. MiPatt07 : My name is Michael‚ I was adopted like many others. And am now silly enough‚ curious about my past. I’m 24 and late to the party.
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