Distrito Federal Adoption Reunion Registry | Search with no Records

Distrito Federal Adoption Reunion Registry

Adopted.com connects adoptees with their loved ones in Distrito Federal, Mexico. We are a country-wide adoption reunion registry for Mexico and the largest adoption registry in the world. If you’re looking to reunite with a loved one in Distrito Federal, simply complete our form in moments and potentially match immediately with a child, parent, or sibling. Adopted.com reunites families by mutual consent, without the requirement to access adoption records. It is simple, fast, and easy. And with our NameSearch and DNA features, your chances of making a connection in Distrito Federal are even better. Try Adopted.com now.

A Few of Our Members Currently Searching Within Distrito Federal Who Chose To Be Featured

1. Safehealthyclean : Adopted from Casa Cuna Mexico city. Name given to me was Victor Manuel Madrigal

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2. Ninita : padre Domingo Pitarche, templo del Carmen, Carmelitas descalzos... parroquia del Carmen

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3. Bebeca : Born in Mexico City at the ABC Hospital to an American girl Dr. Ernesto Chavez attended There no adoption papers

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4. Keeka87 : My parents were told about a women wishing to give her child to American citizens by a priest. The process began before I was born. I was born in Polanco, Miguel Hidalgo, Distrito Federal at hospital de Ginecólogo-obstetricia “SantaMonica”. My birth mother was 26 and a secretary named Maria Elena Torres Galvan. She lived in Venustiano Carbanza, D. F. Guillermo Sesma Jr of Sedna, Sesma, & McNeese was in charge of the adoption.

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5. MNOCEDAL : Searching for my biological father. Possible name is Miguel Angel Barron.

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6. Lenny1964 : Don’t know why but I believe my mother was from the US, maybe too young and that’s why I was given into adoption. I have no real information except I was born at Hospital Notre Dame in Avenida Chapultepec in Mexico City and my father who was a pediatrician there adopted me.

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7. Mariadgarcia67 : I was born in mexico city 10/17/1967. adopeted or given parents Guillermo Garcia Manzo / Lucia Garcia Prado Romero but raced in Mexico City in Montezuma 2nd section. I live from 1967 to 1972 in colonia claveria in mexico city. 1972 moved to Zamora Michoacan until 1973 we moved to Los Angeles California till present. I been told birth mother name maybe Carolina. She was taking in by adopted parents and left after she gave birth.

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8. Yeledkatan30 : Hello My name is Luis Rodrigo Elias (name given by my adopting family). I am finding my biological origins. I was born in Magdalena Contreras, Mexico city, Mexico. I just have the name of my biological mother: Maria Hernandez, what is usefull because on Mexico millions have this name, and I have two more siblings called: Miguel and Viridiana. About my father I know nothing. I decided to post my case in this site after that I received my DNA test results and I became aware of the big amount of coincidences I had got from abroad, especially in the USA. At least I would like to see a picture of my biological parents or to know if I have some siblings. Thanks in advanced for any kind of help. Luis

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9. Keelyvz : The only grandma I have is Juana morales

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10. ARiestra : I was adopted at birth in Mexico City. The only information I have from my biological parents is that they met there but were from Argentina and Spain.

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11. Ileanam : My name is ileana and I’m looking for my biological parents/family. I was given to casa cuna coyoacán orphanage in distrito federal‚ mexico when i was about 3 months old. I was adopted through the christian world adoption agency. In 1997 at 3 years old I was officially adopted and taken to the east coast of the united states.

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12. Sunwatereyes : I was a nine year old and my mother worked to hide the facts of how I had gotten pregnant. I am interested but wary in meeting her. I cook food to be a parent. I am working to have an involved family to help with my trauma. I want to know her in the future at any time. I have graduated Highschool. I hope that she’s been provided for and is safe. I want to be available for I know our circumstances were unique and she may miss me irreplaceably still. I am very different than my parents and I also worry that the changes in my pregnancy could’ve made stress for her that she would need me for. I have memories from in the womb from my early childhood trauma so she may know too. I am actually from Northern California. I am well read and adventurous with investment in healing and I made it through the first part of my pregnancy meditating with tree stumps I was watering to regrow. I have changed my legal name to be safer and more like an unlabeled citizen but she may know it was Lana and that I had liked being Daphne as my mother introduced me. She explained that we had lived rurally‚ and her family was posh and purity driven. So I gave birth in Mexico. My daughter would likely be 1/4 Dutch with brown hair and blue eyes.

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13. SageLoveall : I was adopted in USA‚ but as far as i know‚ my birth parents reside(d) in Mexico.

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