Catalonia Adoption Reunion Registry | Search with no Records

Catalonia Adoption Reunion Registry connects adoptees with their loved ones in Catalonia, Spain. We are a country-wide adoption reunion registry for Spain and the largest adoption registry in the world. If you’re looking to reunite with a loved one in Catalonia, simply complete our form in moments and potentially match immediately with a child, parent, or sibling. reunites families by mutual consent, without the requirement to access adoption records. It is simple, fast, and easy. And with our NameSearch and DNA features, your chances of making a connection in Catalonia are even better. Try now.

A Few of Our Members Currently Searching Within Catalonia Who Chose To Be Featured

1. Jordi1987 : I have always lived with the thought that my baby would grow up in a loving family with two parents. I never stopped loving my baby but felt i had done the loving thing for both of us considering my circumstances. However the lack of knowing for sure that he grew up healthy and well has always caused me sadness and continues to do so. I dont want to cause any disturbance or stress for him today by appearing out of the blue after 30 years....but I would be very grateful if I could be assured that he lives and is healthy. I nicknamed him baby Jordi. I never saw him. Not for a moment. I couldnt it as i knew i would never be able to go through with the adoption if i saw him. He was born in Barcelona, 9th March 1987. All i have is a hospital card stating Diputacio de Barcelona, servei de sanitat, casa de maternitat, sabino de arana s/n 08028 barcelona. The card is worn. I have nothing else. I left my Irish passport number when I signed the adoption papers. I wasn’t given a copy of the papers. Grateful for any help possible.

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2. 4SilviaAnnRoberts : On my birth certificate, my name was shown spelled "Silvia Ann". The name was later changed to Sylvia Ann. I had a very birthmark on my forehead in between my eyes and slightly over my right eye. I have seen a photograph of me when I was small, maybe 4 or 5. I had long dark hair in two pig tails and kind of wavy. I was about 4 years old when I came to America from Spain. I was adopted by a man in the United States Navy and his wife. His name was Phillip Roberts. His wife was Maryann. They adopted another child from Spain who is younger than me. This boy may be by real brother we are not sure. His name was Francisco on the birth certificate which was then changed to Jon-Michael. His birth certificate shows he was born October 7, 1981. I may have been adopted or brought to America in 1983.

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3. Barcelona1973 : We are looking for a boy who was born in 1973 in Mallorca, spain.. the mom name is Mercedes Personat and the fathers name is Alfonso Hidalgo. Im a sister of mother and father. They didnt give him. The religion nurse told that he was dead when he was 3 days. They didnt want to show the baby body.....maybe he was stolen.

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4. Amyloops88 : The name of my son is Dariusz harnack López and generalitat of Catalonia took away from me.

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5. Marcelinabalada : I was adopted when my mother Teresa Gasol Ribas gave birth to me at La Casa Matinidad in Taragona on 28/08/1956 At that time she ’s about 30 years old. I’m looking for my mother and perhaps some of my siblings.

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6. Hmmasoud : My biological father is Mohammed Al Masoud. He had two sons in Spain. Umar and Abdulmalik

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7. RhondaMae9 : Adopted in Spain by a navy family

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8. Rosa-Zea : We were born in Viladecans hospital (Barcelona), Spain. We’re twin and I believe my sibling sister could have been illegally adopted.

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9. MebrukNebiyou : My brother and I (Mebruk and Nebiyou Zerihyun) are looking for our sister, Lena (sp?). She was adopted from Tsion Orphanage in Addis Ababa when she was approximately 4 years old. My brother and I were 7 and 8 at the time. She was adopted by a Spanish Family. This families relative (my sister’s Spanish Aunt) also adopted from this same orphanage. We are adopted and living in the USA

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10. 1PalinaBialiatskaya : My sister’s name is Aleksandra Starovojtova‚ her biological father’s name is Vitalij Starovojtov. As far as I now the adoption took place in Lloret de Mar city.

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11. AlisonSpinelli : I want to find out how my American mother was forced into being sent to Spain‚ supposedly through the Catholic Church‚ and made to give her baby up for adoption

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12. Paulamarti : hola me llamo paula y mi madre se llama encarni garcia sanchez en total somos 6 hermanos 3 chicos y 3 chicas ana‚manuel miguel y vanessa mi padre se llama pablo garcia y mis abuelos encarni y juan naci en el hospital del mar toda esta informacion la se porque tengo un album que me hicieron para cuando me dejaron en adopcion y tengo un hermano gemelo que tambien fue dado en adopcion

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13. Irhhh96 : Hospital San Juan de Dios (Sant joan de deu) Espulgues de Llobregat Adopción tramitada a través de DGAIA

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Since the time of adoption, have you been in contact?


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