Calvados Adoption Reunion Registry | Search with no Records

Calvados Adoption Reunion Registry connects adoptees with their loved ones in Calvados, France. We are a country-wide adoption reunion registry for France and the largest adoption registry in the world. If you’re looking to reunite with a loved one in Calvados, simply complete our form in moments and potentially match immediately with a child, parent, or sibling. reunites families by mutual consent, without the requirement to access adoption records. It is simple, fast, and easy. And with our NameSearch and DNA features, your chances of making a connection in Calvados are even better. Try now.

A Few of Our Members Currently Searching Within Calvados Who Chose To Be Featured

1. Justynazalewska84 : Mum’s name: Ewa Czeslawa Dad’s name: Grzegorz Zalewski Adopted child’s original name before adoption: Justyna Zalewska Name after adoption: Delphine Lemarinier

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2. Buddyleonard : My name is James Leonard, I am looking for my son. He was born to Karen Clark and I, both Canadians, but she had travelled to France and given birth there. I have always been afraid to reach out, and am finally looking. I sincerely hope to find him.

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3. MikelMccurry : I am searching for my sister, I think her birth name was Sarah, but more than likely got changed when she was adopted. She was born in France, in 1988. Our mother gave her up for adoption when I was 2 years old. I’ve never met her, and my mother refuses to talk about it. I dont know her legal adopted name, I only know that she was born in France in 1988. Can anybody help?

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4. KarlaSchaefer : My father was in Paris from about 1953 to about 1964 on the USAF. He thought he may have Had a child.

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5. Ilook4Dimitrije1967 : Hello‚ I am looking for a male‚ named Dimitrija‚ born in 1967‚ 29th of September. Name and surname of his Mother was MARIJA UREK‚ when given to addoption Addopted from Hospice in Paris XIV‚ prefecture de la Seine‚ (Pouponniere Paul Marchon‚ Avenue de la CRoix de Berny 92 ANTONY)‚ Addopted in 1969/1970/1971 My mum and aunt would like more than anything to meet their brother If anyone has any info‚ please contact me Regards Andjela

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6. Bamelaku : Hello habetamu moges my name is Mikael I’m your cousin you brother bamelaku moges and I looking for you a long time and we heard you came to your birth place looking for your brother after that we got hope.pleace if you read this message please contact me, your brother really miss you!!! Until we meet brother stay safe

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7. Anmut : Hello Merry Yayeh‚ my name is Anmut Yayeh from Ethiopia Addis Ababa‚ I’m your you brother and I looking for you a long time and I heard you came to your birth place looking for your sister after that we got hope‚ pleace if you read this message please contact me‚ My brother I really miss you!!! Until we meet my brother stay safe.

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Since the time of adoption, have you been in contact?


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