Saxony Adoption Reunion Registry | Search with no Records

Saxony Adoption Reunion Registry connects adoptees with their loved ones in Saxony, Germany. We are a country-wide adoption reunion registry for Germany and the largest adoption registry in the world. If you’re looking to reunite with a loved one in Saxony, simply complete our form in moments and potentially match immediately with a child, parent, or sibling. reunites families by mutual consent, without the requirement to access adoption records. It is simple, fast, and easy. And with our NameSearch and DNA features, your chances of making a connection in Saxony are even better. Try now.

A Few of Our Members Currently Searching Within Saxony Who Chose To Be Featured

16. GiselaB007 : I was told my father’s name may be Erich Stiefvater. I was born in Karlsruhe Germany.

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17. Tanja2401 : My brother might have been born either in the hospital of Hardheim or Bad Mergentheim, both located in Baden Wuerttemberg, between the 24th and the 28th of January 1990.

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18. AshleighS : Hi- I am looking for my cousin who was adopted on April 1, 1973. My aunt was a single young mother and she was an American who gave birth in Germany. I do not know have many details, but she had a son. I feel both adopted parents were in education and I think the adopted mother passed away about 10 years.

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19. HWendlandt : her Name is Tamara, she is daughter of my wife from Romania, please contact us

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20. Mac20132 : My daughter’s father (now deceased in 2017) was born in Germany in 1959, adopted in Germany then through immigration paperwork that we can find moved to Boston Massachusetts in the United States in October 1961. At some point he was told his father was an American Soldier and his mother was a German woman.

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21. Ganger : My dna father‚s name is Robert J. Holloway...i was told i have a dna brother or sister in Germany...born around 1950-1953.......i think ‚ I would like to meet & know this person if he or she exsist....thanks 4 any info. ginger holloway I may have other‚s i dont know about my dna father was in the Navy...i have 2 brother‚s that live near me now

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22. Christelbethea67 : My name is Christel Bethea and I was born on 6/24/1967 in Homburg (Saar). My adopted last name was Schwarz. I was adopted on 7/9/69 in Homburg, Germany. My birth moms name was Hannelore Schwarz who was born on 6/8/43 and passed away on 1/1/1990. She lived at 7583 Otter Weiler, main race 40th. I’m in search of my half sister Simone that was born either 1970 or 1972. I’m not certain if this is where Hannelore lived at the time of Simone’s birth or not. I do know that she had a different birth father than my birth father.

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23. Avaleria : Iam not sure that this is the correct place to search because it’s not a really adoption but was a really relationship where the male husband brought a picture and the name of the baby ....

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24. Lostnephew1996 : Father’s name is Michael fountain. He was stationed in vilsect Germany.

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25. Dianeburrus : Looking for birth records and adoption papers for my adoption in Germany

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26. Bludaisy : Birth mother is from Spain. Her name was Mercedes Ortiz Chavez.

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27. Coleridge : Kurt Prigge, Emilie Ida Margarethe Prigge, Elfriede Prigge, Schweinfurt, Gisela Elsa Prigge

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28. Shannongoodall74 : I’m looking for my sister that was put up for adoption when my parents were living on base in Germany stutgart . They both lived with their parents my mothers father was navy and my fathers father was marine.My mother hid her pregnancy from everyone and gave birth secretly which I no happened some time after June 1969 -1970. My mothers name was Judith Beal and my father is Gary Overmyer.

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29. Aries60 : Mother: Hertha Sophie Dzenig‚ father: Hermann Heeren Meinen

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30. Aries60 : Searching for the daughter of Hertha Sophie Dzenig and Hermann Heeren Meinen. I believe this child was given up for adoption‚ but I’m not 100% sure. Hertha and Hermann had another child‚ a boy‚ born 11/07/1936 named Otto Hermann Dzenig‚ born in Wilhelmshaven and given up for adoption. Otto did meet his sister once‚ as a child‚ his mother visited him at this foster parent’s house with the little girl.

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