New Brunswick Adoption Reunion Registry | Search with no Records

New Brunswick Adoption Reunion Registry connects adoptees with their loved ones in New Brunswick, Canada. We are a country-wide adoption reunion registry for Canada and the largest adoption registry in the world. If you’re looking to reunite with a loved one in New Brunswick, simply complete our form in moments and potentially match immediately with a child, parent, or sibling. reunites families by mutual consent, without the requirement to access adoption records. It is simple, fast, and easy. And with our NameSearch and DNA features, your chances of making a connection in New Brunswick are even better. Try now.

A Few of Our Members Currently Searching Within New Brunswick Who Chose To Be Featured

61. Hodgie1959 : I was born in Chatham, New Brunswick and apparently adopted 11 day’s after birth, i have no knowledge of any information related to my birth mothers name, etc.

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62. Edwinchester : I was born to a woman named Anne Marie Vaughan (maiden name) who lived in Nova Scotia but had me in Saint John NB. Searching for birth father

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63. Taratobin1980 : My son was born with the name, Jonathan Robert Leandre Conley on July 25th 2004 at the Moncton City Hospital in Moncton New Brunswick. His biological fathers name is Edward Charles Conley (DOB October 25th 1981) from Sussex NB and Mother Tara Lynn Tobin (DOB September 13th 1980) of Moncton NB. Micheal was adopted with his brother Micheal Conley ) DOB Sept 3rd 2003) Jonathan has a grandfather whims name is Sean L. Robin (DOB May 17th 1943)

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64. Lrowan : saint john new brunswick, moncton new brunswick, pooley

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65. Btracy6166 : My father passed away in 2003. His adopted name was Arnold Tracy. Records indicate his birth name as Johnson. He was adopted in Saint John New Brunswick by Leah and Russell Tracy who moved to Maine. Customs has Arnold coming into Maine at the age of 5 in 1947. He may also have had a sister that was adopted by a differing family.

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66. Jessyca1997 : I am looking for Melanie Desmarais? She is my birth mother. She had 4 children. Jessyca, Vanessa, Dellyanne, and Dominique. I am Jessyca, her oldest child, I was born in Notre Dame de Lac in 1997.

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67. Lia478 : Looking for information on my birth mother. I was born in New Brunswick at the Saint John General Hospital on April 8th 1968. The only papers ive seen regarding my adoption had the name Donna Victoria James on them.

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68. Sonyathebeau19933 : I’m looking for my two sisters and brother they were adopted in 1992 ! They were born in Moncton nb but were adopted in Hamilton Ontario. I have a letter that was sent in 1992 they were going to , st.jerome school The names of them are Chrystal star Bella Gallant born in Moncton nb 10 aug 1987 Carrie marguerite Sonya Gallant born in Moncton nb oct 22 1989 Cody Gallant born in Hamilton Ontario March 10 92

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69. Sonyathebeau19933 : Hi! I’m looking for my 3 siblings! Two sisters and one brother , names by birth is Chrystal star Bella Gallant , aug 1987 Carrie marguerite Sonya Gallant oct, 21 1989 Cody Gallant march 10 1992 Our parents name is Monique Thebeau and father is Michel Gallant ! Two sisters were born in Moncton nb and brother in Hamilton , they were all adopted in Hamilton Ontario the year of 1992 the picture in the profile are the picture I have of them

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70. Sonyathebeau19933 : Hi! I’m looking for my 3 siblings! Two sisters and one brother , names by birth is Chrystal star Bella Gallant , aug 1987 Carrie marguerite Sonya Gallant oct, 21 1989 Cody Gallant march 10 1992 Our parents name is Monique Thebeau and father is Michel Gallant ! Two sisters were born in Moncton nb and brother in Hamilton , they were all adopted in Hamilton Ontario the year of 1992

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71. Melissayork30 : i am searching for my half brother. I belive his DOb is september . 1972 or 1973 name given at birth was Stephen . born in fredericton New Brunswick at the Dr everett chalmers hospital. i have been scarching for almost 13 years now ..our mother was 17 when she gave you up . Her name is Carleen ( richard ) madden name .

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72. RayMarley : My name is Raymond Marley. I was born in Saint John, New Brunswick on March 25th, 1933 in the Evangeline home. My birth mothers name is Margaret Lavinia (nee Galbraith) Phillips who passed away at the age of 84 on April 8th, 1999 in Toronto Ontario. One of her sisters stated at one point that my father’s name was Kit Rumson. The adoption papers from the New Brunswick orphanage in West Saint John said that at the time of my birth (March 1933) that my biological father was a 21 year old long shoreman who worked at the port.

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73. Argaez : At birth my name was Cristopher, my birth mom was 14/15 when she gave birth

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74. Booties : i have meet my birthfather but have been searhing for birth mother.Her name is betty elenor grant from fredericton New Brunswick.brothers names are donald and patriclk and a sister called wanita i just want to get health issues or meet someone fromthat side of my family

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75. Jeanzwicker : My mother whose memory is failing has disclosed that she had a baby that she put up for adoption in her teens. She can’t remember the details. Her name was Jean Zwicker and the father’s name was Gordon Wellman. I can’t fill in the details on your form.

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