Eastern Cape Adoption Reunion Registry | Search with no Records

Eastern Cape Adoption Reunion Registry

Adopted.com connects adoptees with their loved ones in Eastern Cape, South Africa. We are a country-wide adoption reunion registry for South Africa and the largest adoption registry in the world. If you’re looking to reunite with a loved one in Eastern Cape, simply complete our form in moments and potentially match immediately with a child, parent, or sibling. Adopted.com reunites families by mutual consent, without the requirement to access adoption records. It is simple, fast, and easy. And with our NameSearch and DNA features, your chances of making a connection in Eastern Cape are even better. Try Adopted.com now.

A Few of Our Members Currently Searching Within Eastern Cape Who Chose To Be Featured

106. Gayle05 : Born in a small town‚ Humansdorp Eastern Cape. He was raised by his adopted parents in a village called Die Berg. The surname of his adopted parents is/ was Fleur. I’m searching on behalf of my father.( The adopted child).

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107. Cindylaubscher : Born at St Georges Hospital Port Elizabeth South Africa. Birth Name -Lauren Leslie Agent MRS Bertie Kimmel

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108. MariaEmily : Im am the biological sister of anna magdalena botha .mother is emily maria born van staden .father jan daniel botha .ive been searching for my sister for as long as i can remember and wpuld really love to just get into contact with her

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109. Jenniferverster : Adoption agency: Cmr, Port Elizabeth. Hospital: Provincial Hospital, Port Elizabeth, South Africa. Michael Shaw.

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110. Lulu8 : Looking for birth relatives of my father - born Philip van der Merwe. Born in Port Elizabeth on January 6‚ 1948. He was adopted as a baby shortly after birth to Frank and Winnie (Letts) Rout.

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111. GerdaPrinsloo : Info of birth mother: ID 340315 0005 083 ANNA FRANSINA PRINSLOO (neé DE KOCK). Adoption was done in East-London, EC in 1962.

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112. Mandisa : Iam looking for my father Emmanuel Mabaso ireally need him

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113. TaniaNaude88 : "Damian Joubert’’ was born 6th June 1988 in Port Elizabeth. His biological mother is Ida-Lu Joubert and his adoption was handled by the ACVV in P.E. His adoptive parents were from P.E. and had an older adopted daughter. They undertook to keep ’Damian’ as a 2nd name for him. Ida-Lu stayed at Huis Connie Human just before his birth.

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114. Sandi29 : Helo am looking for a woman that left her little daughter between korsten and dasi am African and my case was referred as unknown by social workers cause of there were no documents support my information

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115. WaspStar : Hi, I’m trying to find the birth parents of my great grandmother, who was put up for adoption at birth. She was born circa 1892 in South Africa, on her marriage certificate, it says "Cape Colony" but could also have been in the Johannesburg area. From a DNA test, I have discovered that she was from a Ashkenazi Jewish family. I have traced a number of DNA matches and I am fairly certain that I know of her family line, but I’m still not 100% certain who her birth parents would have been as a couple of things don’t tie up, mainly her date of birth. I would like to be able to obtain any information regarding her adoption, I know it was a long time ago, but it would be fantastic if i could tie up this family mystery.

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116. ShaneGriffin : Trying to establish if birth parents are alive

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117. Csrey : Looking for the biological son of Valma Banks Hempel Roythorne and Cornelius Engelbrecht.

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118. Sofiacinderalla : i was born in South Africa in the Eastern Cape in a local hospital called Livingstone in Port Elizabeth. I was adopted a few days after my birth to a couple who belong to a congregational church. I am 18. I was told that my biological mother gave me the name Tarryn and that she was a gifted hockey player. I was also told that i had sisters at the time of my adoption who were older.

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119. JeanineD : I am looking for my adopted brother and do not have much info. All the info I have is, that he was born on the 22 November 1965 in Port Elizabeth, South Africa and apparently adopted on the 16 December 1965 by a couple from Bloemfontein. The husband was possibly involved with the Free State University. My mother was in constant contact with the social services department over the years to check if he has ever made any enquiries but so far nothing, she has since passed... Her details are: Cornelia Janet Morrow (nee Claassens) ID NO: 5007200724086 His biological father was Eugene Morrow - also passed away in the 1980’s. Please contact me if you read this and can help in any way...thanking you, Jeanine du Toit

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120. PieterLabuschagne : Born in Karl Bremmer Hospital in Cape Town . Was adopted on day of birth

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