connects adoptees with their loved ones in Eastern Cape, South Africa. We are a country-wide adoption reunion registry for South Africa and the largest adoption registry in the world. If you’re looking to reunite with a loved one in Eastern Cape, simply complete our form in moments and potentially match immediately with a child, parent, or sibling. reunites families by mutual consent, without the requirement to access adoption records. It is simple, fast, and easy. And with our NameSearch and DNA features, your chances of making a connection in Eastern Cape are even better. Try now.
61. LucilleVNK21 : The mother’s name is Naysha Nelson she resided in Port alfred in the Eastern Cape,South Africa.
62. Madeleen : Born the 8th October 1966 as Jane Koen in the Frare Hospital in East Londen South Africa.
63. Illane : Born in hospital at Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa
64. RonelRaulstone : We don’t have any info al we know is my father in law was a baby his mom gave birth to him when she were 16 his Nam were Owen van rooyen at that time is dit change his mos were a small girl that’s all we know
65. MelWickliffe83 : I just want my son to know he was not given up because he was not wanted.
66. PhilippaShelley : My name: is Philippa Shelley Smulovitz My birth name: Barbara Lucey DOB: 09/11/1955 Hospital: Mater Dei Hospital Order of adoption ref. No. 33/1/2/5/56 Town of adoption: East London, Eastern Cape, South Africa Adopted by: Robert Jael Smulovitz (father) Cecilia Annie Smulovitz (Mother) The Adoption order was registered by J.A. Le Grange on 13 August 1956 under number 1407/56
67. Toni720628 : All I know is I was born in Frere Hospital in East London in the Eastern Cape. I have not other details. I was adopted a few days after my birth.
68. Nads22 : Looking for biological father my biological mother is Hester martens I was born in Queenstown the CMR handled my adoption
69. Gremlin1 : All I know is that my biological mother’s maiden name was badenhorts
70. Misskelsiferr : birth name was kimberly mitchell
71. Pieter1992 : Know that it was through Moedersbond. In Pretoria.
72. Jabba17 : I was born Elmarie at Mowbray Maternity Hospital in Cape Town, November 1962. I was adopted shortly after as Janet Avery. I have been searching for my birth mother for my entire life. Any information would be greatly appreciated
73. Rissiemargie : I’m looking for my adopted son gave birth to him at St George’s hospital C-section was done by Dr dal Meyer
74. Juanpierre : Hi I am adopted i have met my biological mother but my biological father passed away before I was able to meet him I would like to find out if he had any other kids
75. NickyMostert1976 : I’m looking for my brother he was born in PE at the Provincial Hospital! His name is Frans! His biological mother was Francina Bouwer and farther was Andre Van de Venter ID of farther 5111155032089 His mother stayed at Huis Connie Human during the pregnancy! Please if anyone can help with info!! Thanx
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