Devon Adoption Reunion Registry | Search with no Records

Devon Adoption Reunion Registry connects adoptees with their loved ones in Devon, England. We are a country-wide adoption reunion registry for England and the largest adoption registry in the world. If you’re looking to reunite with a loved one in Devon, simply complete our form in moments and potentially match immediately with a child, parent, or sibling. reunites families by mutual consent, without the requirement to access adoption records. It is simple, fast, and easy. And with our NameSearch and DNA features, your chances of making a connection in Devon are even better. Try now.

A Few of Our Members Currently Searching Within Devon Who Chose To Be Featured

76. Scatty : i am loooking for my brother who was adopted mothers maiden name was blatchford my mum was looking for him but sadly she passed away in 2017 would love to find him so i can let him know she never gave up looking for her son

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77. Shannonzak1 : im looking for my mothers biological family, she was born in england 16th june 1952 and was adopted in the juvenile courts in dartmouth, devon in 1953

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78. Staceyloumott26 : My name is stacey mott I am adopted in 29 years old my birth mother Julie bunce died when I was 7 years old my birth father Paul streetfield I believe lived in Maidstone Kent was 17 when I was born I also believe he left when I was less than a month old I just want to know who he is who I am I want answers to questions I feel I will never get please help me stop my wondering imagination thinking worst case scenarios I want to know who I am.

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79. Csfield1919 : My father Clarence Stanley Mike Field from Ontario Canada had a long distance relationship with a woman from the London suburbs. Her name was possibly Joyce Eileen Halse. Their relationship was from1943-1948. I believe that their child was born around 1946-1948. He was a radio engineer in the RCAF. My grandmother disapproved of the relationship and possible gave false information to the birth mother.

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80. FranChown108 : My beautiful daughter was born in Exeter maturity hospital on Heavitree Road. As I was only 17 at the time, I was most concerned about her welfare, wanting her to have the best start in life, which I was unable to provide at that time. I register her as Emma Jane Chown but I believe her adopted parents named her Sarah. She was their second child as her Parents had already adopted a little boy, so she would’ve grown up with an older brother. I’m not certain but I think her adopted dad was in the military (maybe navy) and I believe the lived in Plymouth at the time of adoption.

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81. Alibrancor : Born in Exeter to Jennifer Richards was given the name Sharon Lorraine She lived in Exeter and I was adopted in torbay

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82. Sarahj02 : Kathleen Finlow Mary Victoria Finlow or Victoria Mary Adopted 26th February 1958 Crediton Devon

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83. Claire702 : my son as born on Christmas eve 1993 at North Devon District hospital Barnstaple, he was adopted by Colin and Jackie, I believe their surname was Pike, I remember reading it on a document where the names should not have been on. his adoption was with Barnstaple social service, the social worker I dealt with was a lady called Ruth Turner. my sons official adoption date was 6th spetember 1994. I myself am adopted and I found my birth family, so would love to have my son in our lives.

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84. Johnbarden1955 : My birth mother is Beatrice small I was born in Devon Exeter my birth name was Terrence small

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85. Moomoo98 : Looking for two children Rebecca and Callum Bradley were their birth names I think, we share the same father Robert James Bradley. I remember him saying once that Rebecca goes to the royal ballet school

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86. Spikecnx : i was born in plymouth my mother is Tina Louise Wallbridge and my father is Gary Harrison

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87. Skyemoore26 : I have meet my mother and that has dissolved but I never got told the story or it kept changing. I don’t want a Dad I just want to know who he is what he looks like and his side of the story. Mother is donna loussahi. Dad could be youssef loussahi or Cory Vaughan. If you find both then that’s grate .

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88. Devonjane : Born in Pontypool, named her Tina Anne named her Barr. Thank you

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89. Paulkirby67 : My brothers name was Ian Durrant. Born 25th September 1962 in Plymouth, Devon. My Mother’s name was Margaret Grace Durrant. I would love to contact my brother. My Mother was forced to give Ian up for adoption by her parents as she wasn’t married.

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90. Christinejarman : Exeter Devon was put up for adoption straight after brith Family name Horne brith mother’s maiden name Langworthy .Given the name Linda by brith mother

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