Chile Adoption Reunion Registry | Search with no Records

Chile Adoption
Reunion Registry is proud to offer a country-wide adoption reunion registry for Chile. If you?re looking to reunite with a loved one in Chile, simply complete our form in moments and potentially match immediately with a child, parent, or sibling.

Chile reunites families by mutual consent, without the requirement to access adoption records. It is simple, fast, and easy. And with our NameSearch and DNA features, your chances of making a connection in Chile are even better. Try now while registration is free.

A Few of Our Members Currently Searching Within Chile Who Chose To Be Featured

121. Ellasticklerdna : Hello‚ My name is Ella and I am searching for my birth parents. I was born in Santiago Chile. I do not have any information about my family and not sure where to start.

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122. Soniass : My name is Sonia Saenz (married name). My maiden name is Sonia Perez. I was adopted at 2 days old in 1974 to a young woman by the name of Maria Salas Perez. That is all I know of my biological family. I was adopted by a Mexican American family from El Paso‚ Texas. My adopted parents worked for the Department of State and my father worked in the U.S. Embassy in Santiago‚ Chile. I lived in Santiago till I was 6 months old and never returned. I have NEVER been able to find information on my biological mother or given any information on my adoption.

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123. HarryPotter1977 : I lived in Santiago Chile until 1984 I was born 05/15/1977 and was adopted at 3 to 4 months. My name before adoption was Rodrigo Monsilla My adoptive parents states that before adoption I was taken to The Casa Nacional del ninos en Santiago and La vistadora Social name was Lucie Somerville. My adoptive parents was Carlos Muniz (now deceased and Iris Jacobson. I was told my mother may have been very young when she birthed me.

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124. Kleinm082 : One of 4 adopted in Santiago chile to the USA Washington DC September 1992

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125. Kleinm082 : Born 06/02/1991 Santiago Chile Adopted 09/1992 in washing DC

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126. Kleinm082 : I was born in Santiago chile. 06/02/1991 Adopted to Washington D.C. in 09/1992 I was in a “foster home” of some sort before the adoption to the USA I am one of 4 girls only one put up for adoption and the youngest

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For the purpose of this search, which best describes you?

Indicate the gender of the adopted person.

Indicate the birth year of the adopted person.

Indicate the birth month of the adopted person.

Indicate the birth date of the adopted person.

In which country did the adoption take place?

When did the adoption take place?

Since the time of adoption, have you been in contact?


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