is proud to offer a country-wide adoption reunion registry for Chile. If you?re looking to reunite with a loved one in Chile, simply complete our form in moments and potentially match immediately with a child, parent, or sibling. reunites families by mutual consent, without the requirement to access adoption records. It is simple, fast, and easy. And with our NameSearch and DNA features, your chances of making a connection in Chile are even better. Try now while registration is free.
106. Ryouchanx4 : I’ve met my birth mother but no one will say anything about my birth father.
107. Harrietkypreos : My husband was born in Chile‚ Talca. He was born on the 26/11/1981. An Australian family flew over and adopted him and had him within the first month of birth. His adopted father told me that the adoption was done through the police station. They brought him back to Australia to live. His name from his adoptive parents is "Matthew Paul Young". His adoptive parents from Australia are called "Paul Norman Young & Christine Young". We would like to try and find his biological parents and any siblings he may have. Your help would really mean the world to my family and especially my husband. Thank you Harriet Kypreos
108. Labeloti : Nom de la personne recherchee: Rosa Huenuvil Nancupil Lieu: Temuco‚ Chili Padre Las Casas
109. Shoemaker81 : I was adopted in Chile when I was about three years old. It was 1983‚ and I have very little information about what happened. Apparently‚ I was abandoned by my birth parents. Adoption took place in Santiago. The undersigned Senior Social Worker‚ of the Adoption Service‚ Casa National del Nino‚ certifies that the minor Gerardo Allan Mendez Mendez‚ born on March 28‚ 1981‚ does not have legal parents in Chile‚ therefore his parents are not registered in his Birth Certificate.
110. MapucheArtist : nino varon Mapuche nacido en el hospital de Nuevo Tolten pero adoptado en Temuco‚ Chile a edad de 15 dias. Baby boy of Mapuche descent‚ born November 9‚ 1989 in Nuevo Tolten‚ adopted in Temuco‚ Chile at age 15 days.
111. MapucheArtist : Nacido en hospital de Temuco‚ creemos que la madre era de Cunco‚ posible nombre de Mama es Manuela. Adoptado a los 8 dias de vida‚ 29 marzo 1989 en Temuco‚ Chile. Born in the hospital in Temuco Chile‚ we believe mother was from Cunco. The name of birth mom might be Manuela. Adopted at 8 days old‚ on March 29‚ 1989 in Temuco Chile
112. MapucheArtist : Gemelas nacidos 20 Mayo 1991 en el hospital regional de Temuco Chile . Nombre de papa era Crispino‚ de Mama Margarita ? Gemelas tenia nombres de Elizabeth y Blanca Female twin girls born May 20‚ 1991 in the hospital at Temuco‚ Chile. Removed from parents by court order‚ adopted at age 9 month. Twin girls were named Elizabeth y Blanca
113. MakoTsunami : Hopefully find my lineage
114. Talincha : A male baby was born at Barros Luco Hospital in Santiago‚ Chile in 1961. The mom is no sure what bird day‚ it could be a few days off. She recalls the birthdate to be around January 22nd. The birth was in a car‚ the baby was alive. The baby was alive when they arrived to the hospital. The next day‚ they told her the baby died. They never showed her the baby. She went home the next day. I suspect the baby could have been stolen and perhaps sold to adoption‚ maybe sold to another country‚ most likely.
115. Caramel38 : My birth certificate has a stamp on it from the Hospital Base Osorno Maternidad in Osorno. The Name of the Doctor who signed it was Dr. R. Ruiz The Name of the Mother probably is Maria Albertina Millan Alun. We are sure of Albertina and Alun. "Maria" and "Millan" we are not 100% sure the handwriting is very bad. The story I’ve been told is‚ that my mother was only 17 and she was an orphan who lived with a relative. The relative (probably aunt) said‚ if you want to stay then you need to give away your child because I can not provide for you and your child. So after birth at the Hospital Base I came directly to Hogar Dame Tu Mano. A social worker named Margarita (surname unknown) was involved. After staying at the Hogar Dame Tu Mano for approximately half a year my Swiss parents came and adopted me.
116. Topo85 : According to paperwork i was adopted at like 5 or 6 after being a foster care for a bit. I was born in Santiago‚ chile. I have kids now and looking to find out more about where we all come from. I was adopted by a good family but still feel something missing
117. Madelineadela : Hi! I am Madeline. We share a mother‚ Moira. I don’t think you know I exist.
118. Noemi_lopez : Todo lo que se‚ es que nací en Talcahuano en Marzo de 1987‚ me adoptaron cuando tenía 3 años‚ mi nariz estaba partida no sé si de un golpe o nacimiento. Busco familia como posibles hermanos y padres o tios:) solo me interesa saber más sobre mi‚ de donde vengo‚ si tengo parecido‚ mi genética. Yo no se lo que es amor de sangre. En el certificado de adopción no viene ni un nombre.
119. About30llamas : Mothers name possibly- Eva del Rosario Rojas or Eva Rojas Carrasco No fathers name Sisters name- Francisca de los Angeles Rojas Was told I was born on the street and abandoned at the house of Wilma Jesica Vargas Santibañez in Santiago. Another’s lady’s name foster mom maybe is- Jessica Vargas. Santiago maybe Born in San Jose de Maipo. Birth name was - matias Eduardo Lopez Rojas
120. Manuelmunoz1955 : I am Jose Manuel Munoz Calabrano am looking for my baby girl who was born on 18 November 1978 in the Maternity El Salvador commune of Providencia in Santiago Chile. The social worker from that institution told me that my baby girl died after was born. I found down that many children were sold for adoption in Chile from 1973 up to 1989 during the dictatorship of Pinochet. Many of these children are returning to Chile to meet their parents and siblings after many years. with my wife Ana Maria Ibanez Rojas‚ we have 3 boys Manuel Francisco‚ Jonathan Sebastian‚ and Carlos Andres. We have been living in Melbourne Australia for more than 38 years now. Before we traveled to Australia we were living in La Reina‚ Santiago Chile. Soy Jose Manuel Munoz Calabrano y estoy buscando a mi hija quien nacio el 18 de Noviembre del 1978 en la Maternidad El Salvador en la comuna de Providencia en Santiago de Chile. Cuando mi hija nacio la asistente social de esa maternidad me dijo que mi hija habia muerto al nacer. despues de muchos anos supe que a muchos padres les dijeron lo mismo y sus hijos fueron vendidos para adopcion desde el ano 1973 hasta aproximadamente 1989 todo eso ocurrio bajo la dictadura militar de Pinochet‚ muchos de esos hijos han regresado a Chile a conocer a sus padres y hermanos. Con mi esposa Ana Maria Ibanez Rojas tuvimos 3 hijos Manuel Francisco‚ Jonathan Sebastian y Carlos Andres. Nosotros hace mas de 38 anos que vivimos en Australia en la ciudad de Melbourne. Antes de viajar a Australia vivimos en la comuna de La Reina en Santiago Chile.
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